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Monday, April 20, 2009

Craigs List

As I listen to reports of the robber and murderer who seems to be using this resource, it is kind of disconcerting. We use it all the time for find things that we want or just to see what livestock and machinery folks have for sale. It is a handy clearinghouse for unwanted stuff that may be valuable in other hands. So far we have found a source of lovely gold fish for the garden pond and a real treasure just this week.

Last week besides dealing with the milk mafia and all sorts of other interesting problems, our barn refrigerator croaked. I have no idea how many calves Liz is feeding but it is a lot. Normally we save waste milk for them in the fridge and she heats bottles and buckets and feeds them all while the boss and I milk the last line and hospital cows.

With the fridge dead, she had to wait until we milked the "bucket cows" to feed calves. It meant hours and hours of extra time in the barn for her. Finances being what they are, a trip to Wally World for a new one, even a dorm sized one, was not a prospect we cared to contemplate.

Therefore I checked Craigs List. The very first day that I looked, right across the river in Fonda, there was a listing for a large dorm sized fridge for fifteen dollars! Exactly what we needed....It took a few days to actually make contact and for the men to get over and check it out, but it now resides in the milk house and Liz is back to getting done about the same time the rest of us do. Nice for her, and much, much better for my personal guilt quotient.

However, I got the men to go across the river to check it out, rather than us women doing it. And I got them to take a phone along.
Just in case.


lisa said...

It is horrible to think that today's society is so bad, when I can remember that if we broke down we weren't to afraid to let strangers help us out, now we lock our doors and hope we own a celphone and can call someone we know!!

Moms Musings said...

It was smart to send the men with a phone. It's a shame that Craigs List is being singled out, I know a few people who have used it without any problem. Some people are just using it for the wrong things. A lot of people use it for prostitution.

Deb said...

I've used Craigslist a time or two. Makes you wonder now if it's a good idea or not. Everyday it's something else to make us doubt our fellow man. It's becoming a scary world that we live in :(

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

CL is good, but sending the guys is a smart idea. Our friends caught someone robbing their sons home, and called the police. Of course the criminals were booked and out of jail in no time and they placed an ad on CL stating "Free items, come and get 'em" listing our friends vintage collections, and their address. It took a long time to fix that vindictive mess.

I guess it is like so many things, some really bad - but most really good. We just have to be careful.

I need to do a post about the Jar Nazi I found on CL - but I have held off. He's a nutjob who won't sell me any more canning jars, because he found out I am freezing butter in them! Apparently he is the self appointed canning jar guardian - just this past week on CL, there have been 5 listings warning people to stay away from him and his rebuttal (denial) is quite interesting to read!

Jan said...

I never cease to be amazed at the way an unknown psychopath can affect the way we all live.

Paintsmh said...

Me is so happy to has fridge!!!

Dani said...

My girlfriend loves CL and always finds great deals! We thought about listing some things after talking to her, but it ended up making Hubs nervous, so now we just do the ebay thing.

DayPhoto said...

YEAH! For the $15 purchase! This is good!

I also like the photos of your rocks, we have rocks, I could let Florida have some too. Gosh rocks from around the world would be neat in any yard.


h said...

I don't think the nutcases bother people who are looking to buy refrigerators and such. The women who were attacked had sex-for-sale ads.

dmmgmfm said...

I have lost a lot of trust, as you have. It is sad, really, how far wrong some people have gone.

Ed said...

It was just a matter of time, point is don't use the list of hooking and you won't get into trouble..

threecollie said...

Lisa, it sure is a sad thing. I hate to see a car coming up the driveway. So many people off the Thruway up to who knows what..

Cathy M, it is certainly a buyer beware thing kind of like an online garage sale, except for the scary parts.

Deb, we give careful thought every time we answer or place an ad....guess you have to

Nita, good grief, what is with that guy? He must have some serious problems....I mean, who cares what you do with canning jars after you buy them? Under normal circumstances that is...

Jan, I hope they catch him....and I suspect that they will, with all the video they have of him

Paints, me too!

Dani, I know exactly what you mean in the ambivalent department. We have stuff we could easily market on there, but there is the question of who you might be inviting to your home...

Linda, it was so fortuitous to find exactly what we needed for a price we could comfortably pay so very close to home. It makes things so much easier!

Troll, you are certainly right, but I wish I felt more comfortable with it....

Laurie, it is sad. Hope you are getting along all right. I don't always comment, but I have been following the hard times you have been going through...

Ed, good advice! I won't be doing that for sure. lol