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Monday, April 27, 2009


This is the response from Blitz, Liz's show cow, to the first new grass of the season.....on the lawn


lisa said...

She looks like she is enjoying that nice green stuff. We were going to put our beefer on it and I asked Matt if he thought he could handle him, (he isn't a show calf and not handled) he say I wouldn't be too sure of that!!

Anonymous said...

nice lawnmower...no gas required :)

Deb said...

Liz's show cow is a beauty.....she's quite happy in your video. Can't say as I blame her - I have grass envy.
Ours is about 2 weeks behind you. My poor sheep stand and look over the fence, just waiting for it to grow. It is ever so slowly :)

Teri said...

Happy grass, happy cow! I have to go fix the fencing in the back pasture so I can put my beasts out, and stop feeding $$$ hay!

Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

Well Anonymous beat me to the punch, my thoughts exactly! But you will get gas in the end, no pun intended, ok maybe a little pun! he, he!

dickiebo said...

Anon, Willow Witch and Dickiebo.
3 Souls, but with a single thought! Guess who......has to mow the lawn???

alan said...

guess who gets to make those potholes go away.... ME yay...not

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

such a pretty girl! love her coloring.

DayPhoto said...

I felt like that the first time I saw little green sprigs showing up. We are still having wind, wind and more wind, with lots of brown heavy clouds that dump mud on the cars and houses. Ugh!

I love your barn and the other barns. AND I enjoyed meeting your family and friends!


Ericka said...

mmm grass! nom nom nom

Anonymous said...

Now that's a happy cow. I look at that, and then I look at some other cows in the area that never, ever get out of the barn, and I have to wonder, "Why not?"

The Wife said...

Blitz was goin' to town on that grass!!

threecollie said...

LIsa, she was so funny, eating even faster than I caught on camera at first.

Anon, not a drop!

Deb, thanks, your lambs are so cute!!! Hope they have green grass soon

Teri, ah yes, hay, we are buying hay right now too. Good stuff, not a bad price, but with these milk prices, ouch...

Dani, thanks, she is such a prima donna, thinks she is something really special

WW, lol, well when it's wet we get hoofprints.

Dickiebo, not me! lol, well, actually I do the trimming. Our son does the main mowing.

Alan, aww.....

KK, thanks! Glad you can photograph them for their registration papers. It would not have been fun to draw here. lol

LInda, sorry to hear that. I am loving having some green. We have had three or four, cold, grey springs in a row before this and it is so good to have grass!

Ericka, exactly!!

akagaga, believe it or not, they are pretty happy in or out as long as they have a comfortable place to lie down and lots of food and water. I am glad we can pasture though....

The Wife, she was! She loves to come over to the house!