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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Stills.....Barns

Hop House

Ed encouraged us to look for something different so here is our hop house from back when hops were a major crop here in the valley and some haymow pics I couldn't resist. I love the way the mow looks early or late in the day with the sun slanting in through the rafters (and assorted holes in the walls).

For more Sunday Stills barns

Update, the boss suggested we go photograph the round barn up on Round Barn Rd. Then Ed had a real cool round barn.....so.......


Deb said...

That's some barn you all have! I love old barns, especially ones that hold alot of hay :)
I dont' think I've ever seen a hops building before. Great photos as always.
Have a great sunday :)

Mappy said...

Fred Hi!! Love the way the inside of a barn looks when the sun is shining. As i rember the inside of the hop house is neat also.
Good pictures as always.
Love ya

Dani said...

Great pics!

Andrea said...

Excellent shots! I love the first one! :)

lisa said...

I love the pic of the hop house with the trees next to it, old barns are the best!!!

The Wife said...

Yep I agree, love your barns. Like the light in the first pic and the overall look of the last. Great job!

Jinglebob said...

Wooohooo! Great shots!

Sherri said...

Terrific submission. Loved the photos.

Anonymous said...

All great shots. I love rafters.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love the light coming through.

MariesImages said...

These are fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great old barn. You can almost see the dust motes dance:) I always love going up in the mow to think.

Ericka said...

barns rock! it makes me so sad to see the old ones uncared for and falling apart. love yours!

VioletSky said...

Very nice pics.
And how funny that you have a Round Barn Rd to go with Ed's shot. Yours is very different (apart from being round, that is)

Lori Skoog said...

Those have to be your barns. That round barn is very unusual.

Freste said...

Awesome shots, 3C.
This is the kind of stuff I have to drive 3 hours to see.
Again, the sunlight views are amazing.

threecollie said...

Thank you, one and all. This was one of the most fun Sunday Stills yet, for me at least. I loved going around to everyone's blogs and seeing the amazing barn photos! Looking forward to next week when flowers will get the spotlight
Have a great week!

Teri said...

Way too cool for words. You made my day!!!!

Regular Guy said...

I like the Hop House shots, inside and out. Nice pictures.

threecollie said...

TEri, thank you! I love barns

RG, thanks, it is a really neat old building.

Islagringo said...

I love haylofts. I'd live in one if I could. Thanks for the pics!

sista' moonshine said...

Being a city person, I didn't know a barn could be called a Hop House. Love the pics.

threecollie said...

IslaG, they can be pretty nice. Hot as heck in the summer when you are storing hay though. You take care!

Sista, thanks and welcome to Northview Farm. I guess many years ago the region grew a lot of hops for making beer. This building was used to store and dry them after harvest. There are still racks in the rafters from that enterprise. We actually have though...just a little...about branching out and trying to grow some hops ourselves for the plethora of micro breweries in nearby cities. There are issues with some crop diseases and it would take a lot of learning, but there sure isn't any money in dairy farming these days. Glad you visited!