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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Men at Work

And other farmer folk and friends

Some of us are sillier than others.

The Barn Blackboard.

It has been quite a while since I posted a photo of barn art so here are some peanut butter and jellyfish (click for brand names).....mostly by Becky with editorializing by assorted other denizens of the dairy. (Note the countdown to the rodeo in the lower left corner....very important.)

Etrain wondering what I had with me in the stall
when I was supposed to be getting ready to milk her.

The girls were not thrilled to see mom
floating around the barn with the camera yesterday morning.


lisa said...

The boss man looks pretty happy, nice to see him smile but I think you forgot one child.

Anonymous said...

i see you got up bright and early this morning...busy,busy day ahead of you all....and a super one, weatherwise!

Anonymous said...

maybe 3rd child turned into Etrain, lol...only joking!

enjoy this beautiful weather!

threecollie said...

Lisa, one child was being a lie abed so he missed the photo op. lol

anon, a little matter of a barking dog, some romantic cats and assorted other excitement. It is fantastic out! Nicest day in months!

anon, No he just didn't get up when I called him. He showed up about five minutes after I took the photos, but I was busy milking by then so he missed out.

The Wife said...

Love the barn art! And the countdown to the rodeo. Wonder who's the most excited about that?!

Kristen Montgomery Breh said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these pics! Uncle Ralph looks great and the kids look "thrilled". Very cool barn art! Love to all.

~ Sara ~ said...

Barn Art at it's best...

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed these, hope you got some barn pic's for Sunday Stills while you were out there. I like the idea of a "barn board" :)

Anonymous said...

i didn't recognize what liz was carrying over her shoulder, so i zoomed in on it...and my husband identified it....must be an unruly cow in the pack!...:)

R.Powers said...

Nice lookin crew.

threecollie said...

The Wife, there is always something on the blackboard and I try not to erase them until I photograph them...thanks

Kristen, love to you and the family as well. We may be strange but we are never bored. lol. Ralph is always mugging like that and I just took his picture this time...he didn't even mind

Sara you never know what will show up on that blackboard. lol thanks

Linda, you nailed it! I took the camera out for other purposes, in this case Sunday Stills, but couldn't resist the silly old man. He would have kept it up all day, but we had to get to work. lol

Anon, yeah, I use them too. I call them my "portable parallel parlor". lol

FC, kind words indeed.

Teri said...

Great photos!
Who wouldn't be happy to have a camera pointed at them during chores? (ha ha)

threecollie said...

Teri, yeah, you will notice, I was behind it! lol