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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

That's a really beautiful mirror.

Dani said...

I bet we can find this in that big, beautiful house of yours!

Deb said...

You have some beautiful pieces in your home - love the mirror. Is it a family heirloom?

lisa said...

Love the art work of the frame. was it in the house when Ralph's mom and dad were alive?

Anonymous said...

Ok how old is that?

Anonymous said...

Nice, I too am curious about it's age and heritage.

threecollie said...

dibear, thank you...I had to take the pic in poor light because it is pretty dusty. lol

Dani, yes in the parlor

Deb, thanks, it came with the house, one of the few things that weren't stolen when the boss's family first bought the house before they could move in

Lisa, thanks, it was here when the family built the house.

Tim, no idea of the age, except that it predates me. lol

Linda, no idea of the age., The boss thinks it came either off a ship belonging to the wealthy folks who bought the place or else out of an area tavern. It is pretty neat.

Anonymous said...

predates you...very funny!

threecollie said...

Anon, that makes it a true antique or at the very least pretty darned old. lol