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Friday, May 01, 2009

Friday, Yet Another Early Morning

Woke up at two. The boss's knee is bothering him and he got up to sleep in his chair.

Woke up at four. Alan's good friend was pulling up the driveway for their rain and miserable weather, cold and gloomy as heck, better them than me, opening day turkey hunt. Wally, the unhousebreakable, cat-crushing (he murdered my dear little Comedy cat last year), sneaky, laundry-peeing, (and herb garden too...he doesn't get out of his kennel much) nasty-rotten blue heeler was barking his head off of course. So was our late and beloved Grandma Peggy's little pound hound Sadie. Soon sounds of the blue bomber rumbling through gates and up the hill announced their departure on what I hope will be a safe and successful trip. We have literally hundreds of wild turkeys so a couple of fat toms won't be missed. Wild turkey tastes just like tame turkey except skinny and stringy and dry, but the boys love to hunt and food is food. Thank God May doesn't last too long though, as I am mightily tired of hearing turkey calls in the barn...in the house...in the car....everywhere. The kid is good with or without his mouth call, but really.....

As I lay there in bed debating whether to get up and play computer and take the house dogs out and feed the cat and start the first load of laundry of the day, I realized that my recent tirade about phone calls might be misinterpreted by people whom I love and WANT to call me. I decided to take it down. The army recruiters and Sienna college poll folks are not going to see it. However, folks I really like to hear from might and might think I am too busy to talk to them.....never happen, friends and family can call every day, twice a day and I will only be delighted, but that is where it went anyhow. So call me. You know who you are. Your know I love to hear from you. lol

I got to thinking as I debated the relative merits of a few more minutes snuggled under that red horse blanket thingie that is so warm against a few minutes pounding the keyboard (recently anointed with Lysol in honor of the North American, H1N1, swine, shine, whine flu's arrival in the area), I realized how much I rely on the friends I have made blogging for support, comfort and entertainment.

Thanks for being there folks and for sharing your trials, tribulations, joys, sorrows, tales of your lives and wonderful photos of same with this NY farm wife. I learn so much from you every day, whether it is bird identification, wild plants in Florida, or ranching and farming everywhere from Colorado, to Alberta, to Oregon and Kansas. Missouri. Alabama. Mexico and GB and all over the north, south, east and west....even right here at home in NY. It is all a great way to start the day. Keep up the good work!


Deb said...

Hope the boys have good luck today on the hunt - the turkeys have multiplied here as well. Not sure how many hunters we will see.

I love to hear from friends and family as well but I DO get sick of hearing that phone ring sometimes. Always when you are in the middle of something! :)

Hope you have a great day and that the Boss's knee feels better. Hope the dreary weather doesn't aggrivate it. It's dreary here too but we are thankful for the rain. It's very dry again.

Melissa Hart said...

We love your support too. You lead an interesting life and I love coming and visiting a fellow farmwife....so much fun!

lisa said...

love the picture, I have to get a better camera now that I am blogging. You really inspire me with your blog. Love visiting every morning! To bad Al couldn't let Kegan go. He loves to go turkey hunting.

Earl said...

Ah, someone gets to go hunting while I motorcycle - and thanks for deciding that some of us are welcome to call and enrich your day and our lives - I won't call but living on positive is better than hiding in the negative.

Sandcastle Momma said...

It's nice to belong to such a great community of people - people we would never meet without blogs.

Hope the Boss's knee is better soon and I'd love to see pics from the hunt!

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

Great picture! Hope the boys are successful. I am sure no one took offense at your post - I doubt you could keep family and friends from calling you anyway:)

At least you got your rant out of your system and you have the option of taking that rant down later. Ah - the wonders of blogging!

DayPhoto said...

I love my blogging friends also. I love the trails and tribulations of each and every person of whom I visit of and of whom come to my blog.

I am with you on the phone. My job at work is phone related, and I detest those automated irritating phone calls that come at night! Ugh!

I hope your DH knee gets better, my DH is fighting a foot problem.


Freste said...

Yeah yeah, ok ok...


Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

I heard the calls this morning as day was breaking and the boom, booms. Someone got lucky (and I'm not talking about the turkey). So happy hunting boys, and yes the calling does grate on the nerves by the end of season.

joated said...

Man, talk about word pictures! I can clearly envisoin the boys heading out to turkey hunt this morning. Makes me wish I was with them.

As for walking around practicing his calls...LOL! Go to an outdoor show sometime and that's all you hear in some of the aisles as the different outfitters "talk turkey."

dickiebo said...

Well - you sure stopped me from calling you! God I'm a wimp! lol.

Windyridge said...

whine flu,,,,,I love it. How about snout flu because H1N1 is just so boring

Dani said...

We want to see turkey pictures! :)

I would be lost without my blogger friends! I think sometimes I'm closer to y'all than my friends in real life.

I hope Boss's knee gets to feelin' better. Is it from an old injury or just from hard workin?

alan said...

i woke up at the same time, for some reason i can't sleep next to a chainsaw.

Anonymous said...

hey, we love you all too! :)

keep up the stories, they're a joy to read everyday~

Anonymous said...

If I had your number I'd call and find out what time the turkey was done :) Hope the Boss's knee feels better.

Teri said...

You GO girl! I adore you and your posts!! (and photos, of course).

Ericka said...

2 am? that's bedtime, not wake up time!

hope boss feels better, and those close to you get what they're aiming for. ;-)

threecollie said...

Deb, they managed to chase all the turkeys down here by the house, but I guess they had a terrific time! lol thanks for your kind words. Glad your weather is giving you the rain you need!

Melissa, same goes! I love your blog

Lisa, thanks, you really should. You already do a great job.

Aw, Earl, you can call if you want to...I know I would like to talk to you...and they had a great time hunting and weren't bothered by trespassers, which is a wonderful things.

Sandcastle Momma, thanks, I think he is a little better today. Sadly they didn't take a camera. I wish they had as they watched the toms strutting right up in the tree roost every time they chirped their turkey calls and saw some deer very close up. I am proud of them for not being poor sportsmen and rather waiting for the birds to come off the roost before shooting. It meant they didn't get one, but fair practice is fair practice.

Nita, yeah, exactly! lol, it was sure a crazy morning that day. We are kinda quiet, isolated sort of people and sometimes it goes weeks without ringing...

LInda, exactly! I have a major gripe with politicos who use automated calls to campaign. I talk back to them like an idiot!

Steve, lol yeah, I did....but it was painful...worse today, it is really cold for May. Glad I got the stove fired up yesterday.

WW, I hid the call in plain sight on a box of candy. It is the exact color of the design and box background. Let's see if he sees it!

Joated, I can about imagine. He drives our poor little tame turkey hen nuts! I guess the corridors at college where he is studying fisheries and wildlife reverberate to the sounds of love-struck wild fowl as well. He had a teacher wandering all over the lounge looking for the source of that funny chirping sound one day ...the brat. lol

Dickiebo, aw, it was your call I was specially waiting for!
WR, I can't take credit. I stole it from Marti at Enter the Laughter..she is so funny!

Dani, blog friends are a true comfort, aren't they. His knee is kind of a combination of assorted injuries and just wear and tear. The winter ice, three feet deep in the barnyards and rutted about waist deep, really exacerbated it and it just hasn't healed up yet. Poor guy.

Alan, tell me about it, boy.

Anon, thanks!

LInda, I'm in the phone book! lol, the knee is an ongoing thing. He really needs to get a new brace for it. I think he slept well last night anyhow, thanks!

Teri, thank you! Back at you! I enjoyed that funny little contest with the cute fluffy dogs. Thanks for sharing it.

Ericka, midway between the two for me. Thanks for your kind words. We are praying everything ends up all right, although I guess it is going to take a while.

Ed said...

Great shot of the Downey WP. I got some pics of a pair having a really good time today in Wisconsin..:-)

threecollie said...

Ed, thanks
A lot of that going on among the birdies these days. lol