For more Sunday Stills.....
Mar 4 Art - Sit Spot #1643 - March 4, 2025
2 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Amazing captures! I love the first one, great micro shot! :D
The last one is so cute, even tho he is not showing his face. lol!
Beautiful as always -
Pretty birds and flowers! I love the first one - even the bug is yellow.
Fantastic pictures, like always!!!
Wonderful shots... love the end shot. :)
Very nice. And the bug on the first pic looks very cool!
the beetle shot is great!
Wow-beautiful photos. I love them all.
What an amazing little bug that hides its self on the flower.
I vote for that first flower with the yellow insect. Wow! Great picture!!! Yellow on yellow, as it were. Very nice.
Those are beautiful pictures! And how cool to have found a yellow bug on a yellow flower!
Another vote for the bug on the dandelion looking thing. All I can say is WOW!!!!
Great job! I like the bug.
Love the first one - great catch!
That first shot is awesome, with the insect on the flower - well done!
Wonderful photos. Like the yellow bug on the yellow flower.
Yes, I like the bug on the flower, too!
I just love the clear yellow pansy.. and the Goldfinch..that is a great photo, a bit different than the usual bird shot..I think it makes it more interesting! :)
Beautiful, I love all of them! The bird is especially fun!
What kind of bug is that?
Like the field of flowers, the bird sitting on the branch looks great too. Nice job.
Wb, thanks, this one was fun
Thank you, Deb
CTGPonies, thanks a lucky shot...I was looking for yellow and he was just there. Hope he stays out of the garden though
Thanks, Lisa
Sara, thanks, they are getting so tame this year
The Wife, thanks, a lucky shot..
More secretwhispers, thank you!
Tipper, thanks, I love doing Sunday STills
AndreaB, thanks for stopping by. I was amazed to see him there...wouldn't have if I hadn't stopped to shoot the dandelion
Scott, thanks! Just a lucky shot, taken in a big hurry in lousy light. lol
SCMomma, thanks, he just happened to be there when I bent over to shoot the flower!
STeve, thanks, just luck. Truly...
Linda, thanks, I hope he keeps eating dandelions and stays out of my squash!
crazysheeplady, thank you so much, just a lucky one
JD9, thank you...they are more normally found in the garden, sadly, eating squash and cucumbers.
theggather,thank you!
Flowerweaver, thank you, that one was my favorite too...I just couldn't get the buttercups to come out the way I liked them
FarSide, thanks! The goldfinch just wouldn't turn and face me so I took what I could get. lol
Pony Girl, thanks, it is a common garden pest, a cucumber beetle. He and his kind will devour squash and cucumbers with great enthusiasm
Regular guy, I thank you!
A dandelion and a cucumber beetle, very nice!
I'm not sure which one I like best. Great yellows!
Now that is an interesting bug!
Beautiful shots...I included a dandelion too...I love their texture! :)
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