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Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We finally opened the big front doors yesterday. Normally this is a job for late April. I hate having plastic up over the beautiful windows so I pull it down as soon as I can bear to. We have no choice but to put up plastic as the old doors are drafty as a bat cave and the wind beats against the front of the house all winter like the devil's angry fist.

However, last fall the guys managed to put plastic over the outside
instead of inside where I have to staple it up...so we could see the windows all winter.

Then there has been this cold, wet, unforgiving spring
. I didn't WANT to take the plastic down. It has been that cold.

esterday dawned sticky and breathless. No air. No breeze. Drawing breath was a conscious job and the valley smelled like a wet mop. I tried to pry the plastic off, but I am short and turning into a worse wienie every year. Liz had to do it. As soon as it was down and the doors were opened, the house took a deep breath and finally, finally, shuddered off winter. Soon a breeze popped up and the laundry began to snap on the clothesline......and within an hour the wren was on that porch. Despite nesting in the box on the other porch. Despite spending weeks swinging from the camel bells there and chittering all day long, he moved the minute the doors were open.

Somehow the birds seem to know that if they sing in front of the door on that porch, the two-story, ten-foot ceilings front hallway will serve as a birdie Carnegie Hall for them, amplifying and strengthening their voices until they sound like the biggest birds on the river.
I wonder how long it will take the mockingbird to show up....and the great crested fly catcher...phoebe....cardinal....I wonder if they have been doing this since the house was built so very long ago..


~ Sara ~ said...

I totally understand! With out old house it's the windows that are covered in plastic. And anymore they stay on during the summer, since they let ALL the hot air in...

Glad you had a breeze come along... I'm still waiting for a nice breeze here.

The sun this AM was a red glowing ember... sure to be another "warm" day. :)

Anonymous said...


Jeannelle said...

Interesting observations about the birds' behavior related to the porch. A wren is serenading me as I type this....a loud song for such a tiny bird!

We used to do the plastic on windows, inside or out, too. Then in the early 90's we were able to have ALL the windows in the house replaced. Wonderful!

Your stained-glass window is beautiful!

R.Powers said...

What a nice post! Beautiful entrance and I like the idea of that old amazing house taking a breath and shaking off another winter.

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

I am so glad you love that old house as much a Peg did. It is truly beautiful. Love

Dani said...

I love your old house! It's such a beauty.

DayPhoto said...

What beautiful windows. We are finally having warmer weather. 92* today...oh how I rejoice!


Sandcastle Momma said...

The birdsong in your hallway sounds magical. The mockingbirds are everywhere here and they torment my cat to no end LOL

lisa said...

I love it when you tell such great stories. It has been a long time since the air has been this good.

threecollie said...

Sara, we have to do our windows too, except for a couple that I can't bear to cover so I can see outside.
I read that you are getting temps in the nineties...wow, that is just too much!

Anon, it is so very sweet indeed...

Jeanelle, you should hear it when the great crested flycatcher gets out there. He sounds just like a smoke detector!

FC, thanks, I swear it really does too.

Mama, it is a wonderful old place...impossible to care for, but delightful in every season. love you too

Dani, thanks, we love it too...

Linda, 92 ouch! Nice to have summer though!

SC Momma, it is an all day delight, except when the English sparrows show up out there. I encourage them to move right along. lol

LIsa, thanks, it is nice, isn't it? Hope it stays dry!

Mappy said...

Fred Love that house!!!

Teri C. said...

Oooh, I feel your relief. Seems, though, as quickly as I had opened up to let air in here, the humid sticky weather came and I closed everything up again to keep it cool inside.

threecollie said...

Matt, this is its season. It is showing off in every sunrise and sunset now and even looking pretty in the noonday heat. Thanks, I love you!

Teri C, same here...like a wet muggy blanket this morning and clouding up already.