On Coyote Blog there is a discussion taking place on dairy subsidies. I am not a big fan of subsidies, but few people have even a tiny understanding of the inner workings of the dairy industry. However, people can sure preach about things they have no clue about. When it comes to reading the thoughts of folks who say that farmers get a "really good subsidized price" for milk, I won't say that my blood boiled, but it did get a little warmish.
I left a comment myself...tried to not to sound too rabid or get too complicated. However, I know there are some real smart farmers and farm women who read Northview. I know some of you could do a better job of discussing our industry than I can...so I hope you click on over and add your thoughts to the dialog.
For the most part I like Coyote Blog, which is why I link to it and read it regularly. But I am just a tad irritated just now.
Of Childhood
1 hour ago
Ummm.. I went there I read it, I thought about leaving a comment...and I started but I couldnt do it with any control at the moment...maybe later...thanks for you comments over at the willows and I dont think there is a solution, I think we just need to let the people know they arent alone, feelings and farming up to now is like oil and water, they havent mixed... So lets open the door and let the light in...
We even get people around here that say ALL farmers are on the dole. We aren't and never have been. Drive me crazy.
Thanks, WW, I am kinda thinking of not linking to Coyote any more.
On the personal stuff, farming is hell on a family when there is no outside place to turn...on one hand.
On the other hand, I would stack my kids up against any city kids for being capable and decent folks, and I know from reading that you can do the same. Life is just hard....
LInda, doesn't it just frost your cupcakes. I have got to go digging through my Farm Side archives for some numbers I found about a year ago. Turns out the average farm subsidizes its own profitability by having one or both parents work off the farm.
Certainly there are farms that suck in big bucks from subsidies. However, there are many, many more where the whole family works every day to farm the land and make beef, milk or commodities, and yet they can barely keep up with costs and need the outside paycheck to even afford insurance and groceries.
Interesting link. You left a very good comment there on the Coyote blog....bravo!
The great majority of Americans haven't a clue to what farming is like. Production costs that outstrip the income.....how many of them can fathom such a thing??
I echo your comment above about the farm way of life producing responsible, hard-working adults. I fear for our society as fewer and fewer kids are raised that way.
Jeanelle, I was awed by the story you linked to yesterday. That lady really got it about what drives us to do what we do. It sure isn't money.
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