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Friday, August 14, 2009

I Hate to Say It

But the signs are all in place.

Foggy mornings.

Shrieking cicadas in the honey locust right next to the kitchen window. There are so many and they are so loud they drown out even the Thruway.

Gold finches in droves, tinkling from thistle to thistle. There are hundreds and they do the baby raising gig now when the seeds they like are plentiful....the other birds have gone silent, even the mockingbird....

Shrinking days....summer days are like wool sweaters. They are hot and itchy but you love them anyhow...and the hotter it gets, and the soggier, the more they shrink, until they are just too short to be good for much of anything. We are getting there fast, alas.

Fall is almost here...


Dani said...

Noooo! Seems like it just got warm for y'all!

lisa said...

I agree with Dani, it just started to feel like summer and of course like you sooo much to do yet!!

dickiebo said...

Be happy! Soon be Christmas!

June said...

I agree...nearly all my birds have gone away. They were barely here! I lived for most of the last year for summer, and it came and will be gone in a matter of weeks!

R.Powers said...

Snowing in Montana today.

We are still waiting on our first hurricane of the season ... what's up with that?

alan said...

two words... DEER SEASON!!!!

Anonymous said...

Too bad that Deer season is a "calendar" thing and not just because the smell of fall is in the air Alan:) It's looking like the season is changing early here too.

Deanna said...

Oh fall is my favorite season! In Texas, summer is not so pleasant, though.

joated said...

Love the picture of the morning fog. It's exactly what we had here at the Bolt Hole (about 60 miles west of your farm, I guess) on Friday morning. It was so thick and clammy it almost seemed weird.

Fall is nice, but I'm hoping it holds off a bit longer at the Aerie so we can enjoy at least a couple of vine ripened tomatoes! A few of the cherry tomatoes have ripened, but I want my beefsteaks!

threecollie said...

Dani, yeah, it did in fact. Guess we are going to get our second ninety degree day this week. Although that is way too hot for my taste, it has been a ridiculously cold summer

Lisa, too soon over this year

Dickiebo, you don't want to know what I think of Christmas. lol

June, exactly!

FC, not missing hurricane season. After the monsoon we have had we don't need the rain they drag up here and dump on us.

Alan, two words. Fresh meat

LInda, what a weird, weird year this has been!

Cubby, I hope you are feeling a lot better, you poor puppy...

Joated, amazing what a small world it is isn't it? We are having to buy tomatoes despite planting fifty plants. Damn blight.