I knew it would be hard.
And I knew it would happen. Must happen. Always happens in every life that is blessed by healthy offspring. Who ever thought that it would be our no so adventuresome middle kid to leave home first?
However, Becky leaves for college on Friday.
Five hours away.
She did two years at Coby, but to continue in anthropology and archaeology she must go far away.
She is ready.
Me not so much.
We already have one college graduate with all kinds of honors, and one second year student, but they commuted so although they were gone they were here too....that was bad enough.
I didn't know it would be so hard. I miss her already.
Good luck to Becky and Mom hang in there! I bet it is hard to see her go and I sure hope she does well! Just think of her as a butterfly spreading her wings!
Ditto what Lisa said!
Best of luck to Becky and Good Job TC and Boss. Great kids come from great families!!
Good Luck Becky!! Keep us posted on your blog if you get time. :)
Ain't Love just grand? I like that you miss her already - I have listened to folks that shared the poison in their relationships with their relations, and I will be back at your well for more quenching, putting those angry fires out. Funny, your family just gets bigger and wider, and warmer day by day. Yeh, love is just the best, and completely non-taxable. Lovely...
remember.. somewhere where the L-rd closes a door, He opens a window
she'll be fine mom...and ditto on raising great kids!
Good Luck Becky!!! I'm sure it'll be tough for some time, but you and the Boss have raised an amazing young woman. And just think that 5 hour drive can't be any worse than your trip to PA. lol Jen and I wish her and the Family all the best. Having gone away myself I bet she's just a bit nervous as well.
Lisa, thanks from both of us. It is hard...
Nita, thanks so much
Dani, thanks from both me and her...I am so glad for the Internet, which hopefully will make all this a bit easier
Earl, love is pretty much everything, isn't it...the rest just fills in between
Manker, thanks for the good words. We will get by, but I am already looking forward to her return...
Anon, aka Alan, yeah, you would think that...about the raising great kids I mean lol
NYV, thanks, she is. We are. Guess it's time, but I am the sort who is never ready for that kind of thing...oh, well...
I hope Becky loves her new school! The internet should make staying connected easier. Five hours is very doable for visits home.
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