Ever since we started showing at the Altamont Fair I have wondered about some night calling insects we first heard there. By the French Fry booth in fact...just down from the cider house...They make a scritchy, scrapey sound that is quite loud, but I never could pinpoint one to see what it was.
Then a few years ago I started hearing them here too. Probably they were here all along, but I didn't notice...maybe the multitudinous crickets drowned them out. Soon I found myself standing outside for a few extra minutes on late summer's evenings, listening and wondering.
What the heck was making that noise?
I thought for a long time that they might have been katydids, but the songs in online catalogs were never exactly right. It was frustrating.
The other night I was coming to the house in the early darkness, listening as usual, when one tuned up his song about three feet from my head. I spun around, flashlight probing, and there he was in all his green and buggy splendor, a gigantic katydid. So that mystery is solved.
Then there is the morning sun slanting across dew-soaked Queen Ann's lace...spotlighting the red six-bar gate and making it look like it was written in fire against its cowey background. Geese zig-zagging north, south, east and west, barking like a world full of beagles and turning the tame sky wild.
Finding dozens of minute orange, red, and gold crab apples adorning the tiny tree that volunteered along the driveway. Their colors are more vibrant than the sugar maples even, like delightful Christmas balls decorated in fresh fall colors. (They will show up tomorrow in the Sunday Stills post.)
An odd white caterpillar that wiggled so fast across the grassy ground that it was hard to get a picture of him. The wild turkey that for some reason visits the wood stove every morning. Chipmunk striped baby chicks in the calf pen. Mama is so funny, keeping them behind the gate by pecking at them amazingly hard. I think baby chick is the lightest substance known to man. They seem to move by levitation....especially when dodging that stabbing beak.
George and Laura, the fluffy white banty chickens Teri gave to Liz last year as baby chicks. They are always together and look so striking, like bright white feather flags everywhere they go. And tiny George, who could sit in the palm of my hand crowing the sun up (and down and all day in between) is king of all he surveys. Woe betide Mr. Fluff, or the speckly rooster or the brown ones if they step in his way or look crosswise at his precious Laura! He is one tough cookie for all his dainty appearance.
Every walk to the clothesline, trip to the cow barn, visit to the woodstove, or jaunt to feed the pony brings a wealth of sweet surprises to every passing day. Bright sides everywhere you look.
This is a great post.
There's so much that's beautiful all around us all the time. Right alongside, and heedless of everything that goes on in the world of man, nature is busy providing sources of joy.
I don't remember hearing katydids here either until this year. And mine don't follow the script either. Mostly they seem quite sure that kaytdidn't and occasionally, they affirm that katydidnotdoit! ```
just wondefull !! you have a way with words tha puts the reader with you!!!
Can I come visit??
I agree with Mappy! I have always enveyed(can't spell either!)you and being able to say the things you do. I wish I was as good as you with the words. I am so glad that you can find some happiness in the world that doesn't want to work with you! Have a wonderful day. We love you!
I love pictures painted with words :-)
If we weren't so blind in some darkness of our mind we would look and find the wonder of God's signed.
Yes, you do ROCK the words! I wake up every morning with my coffee and listen to you and FC. Makes for a great start. :)
The caterpillar ID is driving me crazy! I've looked at every spiny tufted cat in my books, and nothin'! GRGRGR!
What is up with those white fuzzy caterpillars? We have them everywhere.
And I still have relatives of those chicks (chickens) here. They remain everyone's favorites...I didn't have any like them this year - in looks, but still with personality! I have three teeny golden seabright chicks (purebread) under a lamp in the parlor (hatched by my seabrights in the new barn). They are lighter than air....want 'em?
well said, my friend.
June, thank you. The outdoors and its beauty and my family keep me going. I was tickled to finally be sure what the sound was!
Matt, thank you kiddo, I love you very much!
Lisa, and you too, I like writing and it makes me very happy to see wonders and be able to share them...very much a best thing kind of thing.
Apple, thanks
Earl, I don't know how anyone can walk around outdoors and not believe and marvel at the wonder. Maybe people don't walk around outdoors enough
Dani, that is so kind! And flattering words indeed....being mentioned at the same time as a great one like FC, wow!
I think the caterpillar is this guy
A hickory tussock moth caterpillar
I didn't find him either until quite a bit of hunting had been done. Cool little critter and as many of the pages I read about him mentioned..very friendly.
Teri, we love the chickens you gave us. One of the big Wyandotts has a beautiful chick this year that looks just like a lakenvelder. Can't wait to see how it will look when grown
Ericka, thanks
Boy..I sure can tell you about those beautiful green Katydids..I don't think I ever seen or heard them before here either! Now..I don't want to see anymore of them!!My hubby and I have always loved to go out at early dusk and sit..sometimes it was just on the haystack ..and enjoy the sights, smells and sounds that surrounded us.
Faithful, thanks for visiting. Love the night sounds...and I am dreading winter when all there will be is traffic, howling winds and sometimes howling coyotes.
Beautiful! You related to us the poetry of your world!
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