We have been wildly grateful for almost two weeks of fantastic weather. Been working like crazy to take advantage of every minute of it, after one of the rainiest summers on record.
Sad to say it started raining about midday yesterday and was really enthusiastic about it.
Raining again this morning. Weather man says we are in for another stretch of good weather next week and I really, really hope so. Between low milk prices, high everything else prices and horrible weather we are hurting. We at least need to get more feed and there is some out there if the weather cooperates
The boss says the new seeding can be harvested, (finally) there is some ratty old hay up in back they might get and what corn actually grew needs to be put in.
He gave a call to the crop insurance guy and was told that they are awash in claims. It has been such a horrible weather year and a lot of people, us included, have sick and sorry corn. I am so glad we only planted a few acres, less than half our normal. Nationwide it looks like a good crop and we can buy corn meal for the ration a lot cheaper than we can buy commercial fertilizer and then watch the rain wreck the corn.
However, since I wouldn't want to make you gloomy about the weather, here is something fun found via a distant cousin on Facebook:
Of Childhood
12 hours ago
Hi Fred
Working today. Neat clip loved it. hope all is well there.
Call me if you can tomrrow.
Love ya
Rain is good after two weeks of none at all. But timing is everything. I'll agree that we got way too much of the stuff in June, July and August but things were getting a bit dusty the last couple of weeks.
Here's hoping next week is dry enough to get the haying done.
I thought of you during the weather report yesterday.
Great dog clip. I'm partial to the small black one.
boy they must've been awfully GOOD dog treats to work that hard!
i especially liked the jump and roll thingy that was going on!
Too late for you to make me gloomy about the weather: I'm already gloomy.
On another note, I read this (Big Food vs. Big Insurance
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/opinion/10pollan.html?pagewanted=1&ref=opinion) and thought of you, wondered what your reaction to would be.
Sure wish the farmer's could make some money, 3C.
But at least you can still appreciate excellent dog tricks. Makes me want to go to the circus. :)
Matt, I will call you as soon as I can. Missed you last week. Love you too
Joated, it could have held off here. Still was soggy in a lot of places. Guess it is going to clear up I hope, I hope'
FC, I got a kick out of it too. The dogs looked so happy!
Anon, I thought the same thing.
June, what I thought of that editorial is not printable in polite places. Whatever happened to personal responsibility, where if someone becomes obese it is their job to eat less....if they want to...I can't imagine it being all right for the government to interfere in what is on someone's dinner table, the ultimate intrusion.
akagaga, it was a bit circus like wasn't it? And if prices don't increase and soon, Northview will not be a dairy any more by next spring. Some things are impossible and paying bills with a 1970 milk check is way up there on the list. Alas, because it is what we want to do, but...
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