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Friday, October 23, 2009

If Wishes Were Horses

This bill would pass.

Yeah, we pay thousands every year to have our milk, which is mixed with other people's milk on the truck, hauled to the plant that is buying it. I can't think of any other product where the sender pays the shipping. Sure isn't the case when we buy parts for the machinery.


~ Sara ~ said...

At least someone finally gets it! I know it's to good to be true that there is a snow balls chance in H E Double hockey sticks, but someone is trying. That's a start.

DayPhoto said...

Lets hope this comes through!


Jeffro said...

The price for our grain has the freight deducted to get to the major market - so as you go west from KC the price drops - similar, but not quite the same as what you have to deal with.

Hope it works out for you.

threecollie said...

Sara, sadly I have to agree. They have big lobbying power and bills like this have failed before.

Linda, we are indeed! Thanks!

Jeffro, too bad it doesn't work that way for anything we buy....