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Friday, November 20, 2009

Ball of Sunshine

Up in the heifer woods. This little bit of glade is on the WEST side of the pasture woods and this was taken at sunrise and yet this one little spot just glowed, with reflected light I guess. I wanted to go up there and bask in the beauty, but it was milking time so I settle for a fardistant shot from the porch and attention to daily duty.

And this is the best I could do
for a shot of the faster-than-a-speeding-bullet cat food can stealing moves of our resident cat burglar. This is Gael, racing by with a stolen cat food can lifted from Elvis' breakfast. Periodically we needs must clean her can collection out of her crate in the pantry where she stashes them for future use....not sure what she wants to do with them...maybe build a space shuttle?


Anonymous said...

we have to feed our cat the "canned stuff" when our dog is outside...or the same thing will happen and he always take care of the leftovers...never any waste here!...he's not too bad with the hard food, but ohhh how he loves those cans!

lisa said...

Boy, is she fast!!

DayPhoto said...

You gave me a delightful chuckle!


June said...

Don't you love those stolen little spots of unexpected sunshine in the early morning?
Gael IS fast!
...probably just helping out with cleaning out the cans for recyclin...

threecollie said...

Anon, I should prevent this but I am too lazy....and it is so funny. Toothless old dog, too lazy to get out of her chair..until the canz come out. lol

Lisa, faster than a speeding tuna can

Linda, glad to. I laugh out loud every time I see her race by with a can....or hear her clunk around in her collection., lol

June, it was so amazingly lovely. wish I had been able to go get a better picture!