It is opening day of the southern deer hunting zone here in upstate NY. Can't say as it is my favorite time of year. I love venison and our freezer is devoid of meat other then three sets of pig ribs.. As landowners we get a couple of dmp permits and three of us have regular licenses. I am hoping somebody fills one of our tags.
It is a worrisome time too though. Despite our posted signs strangers will be wandering over our property. Along with that willingness to break the law in pursuit of a deer usually comes disregard for safe hunting, sensible gun handling, fair take and the location of other people. And livestock. After all, if you freely walk past a posted sign to hunt someone else's land you are willingly breaking one hunting regulation. How much do you care about the others?
The Jersey heifers were brought in off the hill yesterday. They are the wrong color for the "if it's brown it's down" crowd and the heifer pasture abuts some land belonging to a housing development, which is a source of many of the sneaky clowns we will be unwillingly be hosting.
Hunter in chief is out in his stand already, waiting for the sun to rise. I wish him luck. I wish all you hunters out there a safe day...just please hunt the state lands or places where you have permission. .....I don't mean to be so cranky, but I am tired of calling the police on the ones we find, sometimes right in the pasture with the cattle....
good luck on all!
Best of luck to your hunters and that others will respect your posted signs this year.
It's always a worry -
Our hunters are out this morning as well. It's 45 degrees already. Not much sign around but we are all keeping our fingers crossed!
Be safe!
At least our moos are safe here, neighbors have all but gotten rid of the deer population in the "neighborhood".
I've heard stories though, we lived in MN for a few years. In fact I was born there and we moved here when I was one. ANYWAY, during deer season up there someone shot a BLACK bear, thinking it was a deer. Can you believe it!
I don't know but it seems to me there is a slight difference between a bear and a deer. :)
Hope you get a freezer full this season!
Well said.
Our season runs from now until mid January.
Best of luck and safety too - our seasons are over, thank heavens!
anon, thank you
Deb, thanks, hope yours do well too. alas no deer here yet, although the boss did find someone's tree stand and lots of nails ruining one of our hickory trees, just yards from a trio of posted signs
Sara, poachers seem to have taken most of ours out last week. We heard a constant barrage of shots...out of season...but didn't actually catch anyone
FC, short one here. I am really, really hoping for a deer. Getting sick of pasta
Nita, thanks! Glad for you...I think you have it worse than we do.
I hate hunting season here. It always makes me nervous since I own brown horses. I ride with sleigh bells to warn of our presence. We have some responsible hunters in the area but unfortunately a large percentage of them are not and beer doesn't help.
Boy do I understand...ours is pheasant season...due to open Thanksgiving day!
I've posted everyplace I can think of... it won't be enough.
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