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Monday, November 23, 2009

Macro Monday

These cool and sometimes downright cold fall days have their upsides right along with the down. Many days we are greeted with sunrises of peach and apricot with every blade of grass frosted like a birthday cake for winter. Nights are surrounded by the sweet lullaby of sleepy geese rocking in the cradle of the river. They are flowing south now like pepper from a shaker, some days thousands at a time. Yesterday early one big flock flew north toward the river while a second surged west toward a cornfield gleaning party. They crossed each other in flight like origami on the wing. I waited and watched to see if they collided or broke apart, but one flock was a few feet above the other and they slipped by easily, barking like a big batch of beagles.

Even the weeds have their lovely moments, whether it is the frost coated goldenrod or this sprig of ordinary catnip painted purple by the freezing night time temperatures. This morning it is downright shiverish, which just makes that first cup of coffee all the more welcome.

For more Macro Monday


Ed said...

Cool, i did'nt know catnip was purple..:-)

Anonymous said...

Great macro shot. The words of your post were lovely. I hope you took some pictures of the geese. :)

flowerweaver said...

Lovely, I didn't know catnip came in purple either.

Anonymous said...

very pretty picture!

CTG Ponies said...

Beautiful pic! I'm not fan of cold weather but I can appreciate the beauty that it brings. My dogs get me up before the sun and there are many mornings that are crisp and clear.

DayPhoto said...

My catnip just turns black.


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I don't know what I liked more....your beautiful photograph of the catnip (who knew it could be such a pretty color?) or your beautiful words.

I tell you, though, after reading about peaches, apricots, birthday cake, corn, pepper, and coffee I'm now strangely hungry. hehe!


Lori Skoog said...

Gorgeous shot...I can feel the chill in the air.

Dani said...

I can't beleive that's catnip! I thought it was a pretty purple coleus.

R.Powers said...

Nice post.
Geese envy season!

Teri said...

I can 'feel' winter coming....
You described it perfectly.

Anonymous said...

they looks bumpy & furry how cool!

threecollie said...

Ed, it is just frostbitten, but I was amazed at its beauty

Dibear, thanks, and double thanks

FW, it was just from the frost, but it was so pretty. I picked some clovers and other plants that were pretty that way too

anon, thanks!

CTG Ponies, thanks, I hate the cold, but the beauty is irresistible even so.

Linda, I think it was just a neat freak of the particular weather this season. I have never seen it before and there are many other plants that turned the same shade.

Laughing Orca, thanks. lol. Can you tell I love words and am not exactly adverse to eating?

Lori, thanks so much. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. It only lasted a few minutes after that, as I brought it in for the kitty. lol

Dani, it amazed me too! It is a wild plant that I leave in the garden to pick for the kitty. Thanks

FC, thanks, trade you a thousand geese for an anhinga or three.

Teri, thanks, can't tell you how grateful I am that it has been holding off a little.....

msa, thank you!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Great shot..some plants color that way here too..if the frost catches them just right..they are purpleish. This is a great photo!
The words to go along with the photo were great too..very nice! Happy Thanksgiving:)

threecollie said...

Far Side, thanks, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well!