On this strange story: Men Spray Paint Cows.
Of Childhood
5 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
I'm not sure I wanna know why, but your line Men Spray Paint Cows would make a good movie title or a name for a rock band.
Odd, very odd.
fred that is strange!
What next!
Downright scary!
Odd... very odd. I would understand if it were some kids. But grown men???
On the lighter side I do use tail paint when preg. checking to mark O (open) or B (bred)... if we have a lot to do... we ALL get a little HAPPY by the time we're done. :)
Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, 3C. Can't think why they would do it, but I wonder if it was more than just spray paint?
Just plain weird if you ask me!
gd share of link thous it's kinda odd
A smile from SJ =)
I hope it was just paint with nothing poisonous in it. If they'd painted right near the cows' hearts, I'd be worried.
Very strange story.
Ok, that's really strange. I would be a little worried if I were him.
well, that was weird.
bright orange? maybe marking them to make them more visible to hunters? happy thought: so the cows aren't accidently shot. cynical thought: so hunters know where to shoot for steak for dinner?
i dunno.
My first thought was the Bucknell U. isn't so far away but the farmer claims they weren't young guys. Then that they would spray them while in the barn????
Very wierd, indeed.
Jeffro, yeah, it would at that. lol
FC, kinda eerie if you ask me
Mappy, Hey bro, hope you are feeling better. I do not envy you your job out in this outrageously cold weather
Lisa, boggles my mind!
Deb, exactly what I thought! I once stumbled on an escapee from from a state detention center at four in the morning out in the freestall petting a cow where I worked. He was harmless I guess but he scared the heck out of me!
Sara, lol, we have done the same....some very artistically painted critters sometimes.
Akagaga, same here....I just can't imagine having someone race right into your milking parlor where you are working, paint cows and race back out. If I was milking there I think I would be pretty darned nervous.
Linda, same thought here!
SJ, odd indeed!
June, people are strange indeed. What really got me is that they raced in and did it while the farmer was right there!
SCMomma, I would sure be really nervous if I had to milk there alone.
Ericka, the only innocent explanation I could think of was if it was a bet or a dare...
Joated, as I said to Deb above, I once walked into the barn at the farm where I worked...at four in the morning mind you...I was all alone and there was a complete stranger standing in one of the stalls petting a cow. I was terrified and hurried over to my boss's house to get help before he saw me. Turned out he was an escapee from Tryon School for Boys...which houses some pretty darned scary characters.
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