For you and for me too....Yeah, it's just a dandelion, but wouldn't it look good right now? Especially if it was surrounded by knee high green grass? Balmy spring breezes, birds singing......
I know I'm whiny, but it sure is cold. The guys worked three hours yesterday fixing the reverse curve on the stable cleaner, not a fun job in the best of weather, but brutal when it is so cold with the wind a'howlin;. It meant they never got in to sit down for more than maybe fifteen or twenty minutes all day. The heifers are in so they are another job to be added to the list. Never got the last field of corn in, although maybe we will get a short thaw so they can get it.
Anyhow Liz made them some venison and rice for a really late lunch (like maybe 4PM) and then made us all grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for supper after chores (we usually get in around 8). That meal is not exactly punishment, what with her homemade bread and the award winning cheese the milk coop gave us for Christmas....and even a cup of humble Campbell's tomato soup is pretty darned good with a little rice thrown in and some Italian seasoning. Pretty welcome when you are cold all the time...
Hope you are all staying nice and, I am wearing so many clothes that if I fall down on that relentless ice out there I am just going to roll if you don't hear from me, check the bottom of the hill.
That spot of sunshine-on-a-stem is a welcome sight! A reminder that it was warm, and will be again!
Yeah, that dandelion would look real good 'bout now. Won't see one for three or four months though.
Grilled cheese and tomato soup! That's what we had for lunch yesterday, too. Great comfort food on a cold and blustery day.
It's storming here again this morning and I sure understand your whining cause I whined my way into staying in and baking this morning ;)
The coming Ice Age has finally hit northern California taking out my tomato plants and annuals.
I am wearing three layers topped by an enormous hockey shirt. But at least we have grilled cheese and tomato soup.
Grilled cheese & tomato soup and venison & rice. Sounds good.
Dandelions are such a welcome sight after months of snow! The yellow simply makes you feel warm inside :)
Whining is allowed......the cold came quick on the heals of real warmth. Feels even colder than it really is.
June, I like that!! It is a perfect description.
Joated, it is brutal this morning! We love our sandwich and soup dinners now and then..and both girls make them so very well. With homemade bread it is an unbeatable meal.
LInda, you do more work when you are inside getting out of work than I do when I am working...if you get my drift. I am always in awe of all you get done!
Jan, I can't get enough clothes on to be warm and still walk! And our furnace fan bearings started to go bad yesterday. Hoping they hang on until the shops open
Cathy M, so many cooks in our house...we are so are lucky in that respect. lol
Deb, I love them...except in the garden. lol And this cold. Less than two weeks ago we were cutting hay. It is nearly always cold about two weeks before Christmas, but I can't seem to put on enough clothes to stay warm... the bottom of the hill huh?
i'll be checking whenever i drive by :)
nothing wrong with grilled cheese, especially when you tell it like it is!..yummy!
Thanks, anon, if the worst happens and I roll down there, I'll be the one in the dark blue down vest. lol
It's a chore in itself to get undressed for a shower. Takes me forever.
And yes...I would love a dandy-lion right about now.
TEri, that is such a huge issue!!!! It takes me about fifteen minutes to get dressing in the morning...and that is just for indoors!
I love dande-lions!I think they are my most favorite weed/bloom in the whole wide world.
Thank you for the gift!
One thing about corn...hopefully can get to it and feed it as you go. The hay under the snow is a whole other thing.
I'm sorry our weather went your needed to just die out.
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