If your gentle, amazingly well-behaved house cat goes tearing out the door to fight with a barn cat when you open it to let the dog in..(he has never, never even tried to go outdoors before.....)
Well, the thing not to do is to go out and try to get him back. The &^%^^&& cats rolled right across my leg, biting and clawing. I finally had to separate them with a canoe paddle.
So I am all clawed up.
Nasty. Painful.
I shoulda left the little stinker out there.
They sure can get nasty when they are fighting! Hope they aren't too deep! Nothing hurts worse I think than cat scratches and bites!! Take care. We are planning on a X-mas eve party let me know if that is ok!
A cat in extremis is a fearful animal. Turn right into wild animals, they do. I have the scars on my legs to prove it.
Good thing you had a canoe paddle handy! Get out the Neosporin and apply liberally...those scratches, some of which go deeper than you think, STING!
Meant to say: fearsome animal.
Although fearful might be apt as well.
Ouch! Cat scratches and bites are some kind of sore.
I've seen what the barn cats do to the dogs, sure wouldn't to be in the middle of that.
Take good care of those :)
I don't see the appeal.
Hope you heal quickly.
Bear says he would never bite you.
I guess that's the old proverbial "Painful Lesson".
Be very careful of infection setting in, cat teeth and claws are rife with nasty stuff.
OUCH! Nothin' worse than cat scratches!
Owie. You have my sympathy. My three little house hoodlums have me covered, as well. They have a penchant for making a running leap onto my leg/back/arm/hand/stomach (choose one) and then climbing up to my shoulder. The shoulder part is okay. The pain of the leaping and climbing part is determined by how thick my clothes are.
so what provoked that?...i'd just stand back and keep score! and i guess it was you who lost, huh?
Just be glad you were not my sister back in the day when everything was peaceful and quiet.... until you went leisurely bike riding and found a nice quiet kitty and picked it up, put it on your neck and shoulders and rode quietly, allowing the kitty to get a good view.
Oh yeah up until the awful, evil younger brother comes running out of the bushes making all sorts of loud snarling barky dog noises, waving one's arms this way and that. Oh yeah, I am still reminded of my kindness for that one.
Lisa, it was unbelievable! Don't know about the party...will try...things are ....well...they just are...
June, it was amazing...and I had my glasses off to peel potatoes and there is no light on the porch. Argghh!!!!
Deb, thanks, I am. They were really nasty!
FC, Been bitten by dogs...been clawed and bitten by cats...and you are right. Generally dogs do less harm. I am pretty mad at the cat I gotta tell ya. Not a cat person myself, but up until the other night we kinda thought that this cat was more like a dog.
Aka, thanks, I have doctored them pretty aggressively. We have this ancient bottle of Merthiolate that we save for just such occasions. Stings like heck, but it works....
Linda, thanks, believe me I am. One of my dearest friends ever died from the after effects of a cat bite so I am zealous in the first aid department.
JB, they still hurt but less than yesterday at least. Thanks
Akagaga, thanks, I was stunned by the whole affair. The cat NEVER has even offered to go outside. Then this. Wish I had just let him fight it out. He would have lost because Kashette, the cat he attacked, is the toughest thing since saddle leather. There would have been a lesson learned and not by me. lol
anon, wish and I had and I sure was. Both cats are feeling much better than I or so it seems.
Oh, Steve, that must have been awful! Your poor sister! Brothers....you gotta love em....I think its against the law not to. lol
IF you could only understand cat talk...he just had to go out...those were fighting words.
you just never know, do you?
do be aggressive - i actually know someone who nearly died from cat scratch fever. turns out, it's not just a song! so, death to germs!
LInda, it is really puzzling. He is not done with it yet and I have to keep a spray bottle of water by the door!
Ericka, same here..my best friend died from complications from a cat bite.
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