Liz is off to the NFO national convention in Iowa this morning (and yes, I am nervous, the weather is nasty, there is a plane that will land at Detroit airport involved, and I am a mom). She will be away until Thursday and I am already missing her, even though she is actually still here and making coffee...
She was selected as a young farmer delegate to represent the Northeast region for the nationwide farm organization late last year and they have taken great care of getting her set to go.
NFO came to our rescue last year when we lost our milk market, calling up out of the blue to offer to take our milk. We had barely heard of them, but they saved our bacon in a big way. After our long involvement in Farm Bureau (I have served on the FB county board of directors long enough to be term-limiting off for the second time next year, and Liz is serving her second term and does the newsletter) it will be interesting to learn how this new (to us) organization operates. I truly wish Liz's laptop hadn't croaked so she could blog from there and keep us up on things, but alas it met an untimely demise....
I have so far been to a couple of state NFO meetings and the state annual convention and Liz went to one state meeting to meet the board because of this appointment. It is interestingly different from things I have done before.....Farm Bureau and NFO have somewhat divergent ideas on what is best for the farm economy here and I find that I agree with some of both, but not all of either. Farm Bureau held their convention last week (some day I would love to be able to get away from the farm to attend that one, but that will probably only happen if we retire) and I was delighted with a lot of the policies that came out of that. We will see what turns up with NFO.
Anyhow, good thoughts and prayers for Liz's trip would be much appreciated. I fear that it will be a long week.
Of Childhood
6 hours ago
You mean it will be a long week for you! Don't worry, Mom, she'll be all right. You raised her well.
We belong to Farm Bureau strictly because that is who we have insurance with. I seldom agree with their national Farm policy.
But as someone wise once said (I think it was Mark Twain) "I refuse to belong to any organization who would have me for a member".
I admire you people for taking the time and making the effort to be involved. Your family has been part of several organizations that I know of - milk co-ops, Farm Bureau, school board, etc., and now NFO. I think that it's not necessary to support all that an organization stands for in order to participate. Dissenting ideas are good!
Yea for Liz! Yea for the rest of you who will miss her and do her work.
Agreeing with NumberWise here. The more people involved in any organization, the better it represents its constituents' interests.
I think it's great that your younger generation is taking on such responsibility!
Oh. And don't worry about the flying part; I'm pretty sure the pilot doesn't want the plane to crash either.
Here's hoping Liz has a wonderful, safe trip and that Mom doesn't fret too much :)
She's a young lady to be proud of - the NE region is lucky to have her voice and representation. Will be anxious to hear all about it.
Congrats on Liz's selection! Safe travel wishes too!
Congrats to Liz, dairy farmers will be well represented with her participating.
It's easy to say don't worry, because I know you will anyway until she is safely home.
So here is hoping for a fast week and she can get home before you know it!
Jeffro, yeah, yesterday was a long week. lol Lots of delays and adventures but she made it okay...thanks
JB I hear where you are coming from. I usually have a whole skeleton full of bones to pick with them. This year all my farmer friends here in NY hate what they have done with dairy policy...however I like it pretty much. Wish they would let go of ethanol though....
NE thanks so much for your kind words...I don't think we could not belong to and work within farm is just the way we are. I don't know what we are going to do...or who we are going to be...if we have to quit farming
June, thanks, they ran out of coffee and the two planes collectively were almost three hours late (which made for some anxious sitting by the phone here in NY) but the pilot did indeed keep the plane up until it was supposed to come down....
Deb, thanks for all your kind words. How I wish she had a laptop out there so she could write about it!
FC, thank you kindly
Nita, thanks! We have one day behind just three more..
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