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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dean Foods Buyout

Maybe or maybe not. Dean Foods is huge, handles a large percentage of American dairy products and is looking at anti-trust lawsuits. What will it mean if it is in fact bought out by a French company?

Cows that tweet.

An outstanding editorial on Hollywood and food activism

New York's new organic guidelines


Anonymous said...

What will it mean? It'll mean cows will have hairy armpits and instead of moo, they'll go moi, all the bulls will wear a baret, and the AI dude will have a little pencil line moustache and drive a fiat with "viva la concepcione" written on the side of it.

s'ls vous plai't , merci bucoup

joated said...

So, the gov is saying that dean foods is too big to exist? Now that's some kinda change!

Excellent editorial about Holliwierd. As the country song says: "Less talk, more action." Make movies not politics, dummies.

So, do any of your cows have Twitter accounts yet?

threecollie said...

aka, you could be right....gee, I hope not...although the cows already have hairy...er....leg pits

joated I don't know how to do twitter and am resisting learning due to already wasting far more time than is wise online. However, I love the idea of cows that tweet!

Cathy, they are indeed. It is so sad to discover that not only do one's screen heroes and heroines have feet of clay, they also have brains of mush.