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Friday, April 09, 2010

Yesterday it was Sunny

And I took a couple of pictures of the morning. Today the normal rainy chill of April is back, but we sure liked summer while it lasted. I tried to tell folks not to take the windows out of the barn last night, even though it was a bit hot in there...they are going to be plumb chilly this morning I'm afraid....


joated said...

"...they are going to be plumb chilly this morning I'm afraid...." Yep. Just in the 30s this AM here and probably cooler where you are. Gonna get cooler tonight too.

From the I-told-them-so tone and the "they are going...", I take it you do not have morning barn duty this week.

lisa said...

It sure was nice the last couple of days. But we knew it wouldn't last. But 50 and 60's aren't too bad.

Deb said...

It's been gray and dreary here the last couple of days and I've got the woodstove going. At least we know the good weather is going to come back soon :)

CTG Ponies said...

It was in the high 80s here this week and warm during the night. The storm blew threw and it's in the 60s today with temps in the 30s. Quite a difference! Pretty pics.

Deb said...

I love a good sunrise. It just sets the tone for the whole day.

DayPhoto said...

Beautiful! It suppose to be 70 here today.

I called the onion broker in our area and he said last year the guys broke even with $22 per hundred. Just an FYI.


Faithful said...

I seem to be alittle like the weather-taking off my coat and then putting it right back on- I can't make up my mind if I'm gonna be cold or warm. My grandkids and I were hiking up the hill and were able to pick up a Horned Toad (lizard)..he was slow to move and was warming himself up on the dark red shale. Spring might just be here.

threecollie said...

Joated, back to the long johns today I'm afraid...and no, I have to work every milking except Sunday morning...I am just a tad less cold blooded than the rest of them. Once I get working I warm right up. lol

Lisa, sure is shiverish this morning! I have the long johns on and the heat cranked up

Deb, same here. I turned the pond fountain and filter on to clear the water up, but I am turning it back off this morning

CTG Ponies, just 36 this morning. the warm was good, but now it is good and gone. lol

Deb P, same here. I often watch it from right here at my desk and we have three eight by four windows facing directly east so I get quite a show.

Linda, thanks, one of the places we used to get onions at has closed but I will be checking the other ones out this fall if I get out there. I like to buy big bags if I can because we cook with them a lot

Faithful, that is so cool! I have never seen one, even in captivity. It has turned off cold here, so I don't suppose we will be hearing peepers or anything until it warms up a bit.