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Thursday, May 13, 2010

New York Farm Labor Law Rises from the Ashes

When are the folks who keep reintroducing this ridiculous bill going to figure out that a political career in Queens, the Bronx or Brooklyn does not prepare them to understand the economic realities of farming? (Other than maybe Old McDonald's). Although it would in no way affect our own farm, as we hire no outside labor, many fruit and vegetable growers would be devastated with little benefit to workers.

However, to people used to politics as usual it looks so good on paper (and in the paper, of course). Pedro Espada the Senate Majority leader called the earlier bill, "my legacy." Guess he still wants to leave upstate with a nice legacy of economic problems caused by the failure of someone from the Bronx to "get" agriculture.

The "new" bill, introduced by Sen. George Onorato of Queens, (a farm district if I ever saw one), changes a couple of words...and I do mean a couple...from the original bill....


Jan said...

Yes, we have Los Angeles farm "experts" writing bills too.

But gender neutral? WOW!

lisa said...

I sure learn something new everytime I come to your blog, thanks for keeping me up to date with things!