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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Seed Signs and Cow Hunters

Yet another totally irrelevant photograph...how I love them

Here are a pair of stories
I used in researching this week's Farm Side

Chicagoans see seed signs as evidence of corporate ownership

Insects could be the key to meeting needs of hungry folks

And here is the rest of the story on the cow found dead with an arrow in its side. (The Angus in question must have been armed, as the alleged perps are claiming self defense.)

Farm equipment thieves caught in the act.

NAIS wearing new clothes, but still the same old nightmare.


Ava said...

Thanks to my Grandfather ... I have eaten chocolate covered grass hoppers and a fried worm or two. :-)

NumberWise said...

I love that photo!

Ericka said...

great photo!

Cathy said...

AWWWWWWW that pix . . . .That is so sweet!

And I will not eat bugs. period.

Hilltop Farmwife said...

NAIS--a different form but the same old government control. One of the things I don't understand is why we have to have a different number for each program. Why can't we use the Scrapie location ID number which is already on file with USDA for all of our animals instead of having another number. One more thing to keep in the file cabinet!

threecollie said...

Ava, you are much tougher than I. lol. Hoping I never have to go there

NW, thanks, he loves to sleep on that table, silly old cat

Ericka, thanks!

Cathy, thank you...and I am not going to either. Sometimes you are glad you are getting older fast. Times like when they cook something like this up in their tiny brains

Hilltop, thanks for visiting and taking time to comment. I never could understand why they didn't just use existing systems. Most, if not all, states already have some form of tracking in place. Here in NY every animal that is sold at auction gets an ear tag at the sale. And we have a scrapie number too, from back when we had sheep...so they already know where we are.