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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You Might be a Farmer If

You know that velvet leaf works great to clean your dipstick when checking your tractor oil.


Dani said...

That picture is gorgeous! Is it recent?

threecollie said...

Dani, thank you so much. It was taken last Thursday in the wake of an isolated, but immense thunderstorm that nailed the fairgrounds on show night. This is just along the edge of a popular orchard...taken out the window of the car.

joated said...

Beautiful rainbow!

As for velvet leaf...it's got other uses the outdoors minded are aware of, too.

Rev. Paul said...

I've used large leaves to clean a dipstick; grew up in farm country, but never actually farmed.

Maybe it's in the air, or water, or something. No, come to think of it, that's manure in the air.

Anyway, great picture.

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Velvet Leaf? Is that the same plant that's also called Indian Mallow or Pie Plant? And why does it always grow along the edges of corn fields?

Beautiful rainbow!

threecollie said...

Joated, thanks!
********burdocks are better. rofl

Rev. Paul, yeah, we do have that certain aroma floating around sometimes...although I rarely notice it having lived cheek by jowl with the livestock for so very many years. Thanks

WW, I had to look that up as I didn't know, but you are right, it is called Indian mallow. I think the seed may get spread from field to field by planting equipment or something, but it sure does like farm fields. Thanks!

R.Powers said...

Great rainbow!

~ Sara ~ said...

Love it! Pic and comment... :)

threecollie said...

Thanks, Sara

DayPhoto said...

I our case we use rag weed! Love the rainbow...happiness in the sky!


threecollie said...

Linda, thanks, you said it! Farmers are inventive souls, aren't they? Probably among the earliest recyclers. lol