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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Thunderstorm Last Night

Alan took everybody's favorite rocker over to the fair and it won a blue ribbon!

And I slept right through it. Guess it was a humdinger though.

The hay elevator broke down at about dark-thirty last night. Alan went up in the mow to fix it and fell in a hole in the hay and jerked his shoulder half out of joint. It popped back in when he got out of the hole, but it hurt a lot. There were only about thirty bales left on the wagon he was unloading and they just left them there. Too dangerous to be doing what they were doing in the dark. We will feed the wet bales up to the young stock or give the cows a treat.....second and third cutting fine mixed grass, clover, and alfalfa. They will like it I think.

If you live in the area make sure to save Saturday the 19th of September for Montgomery County Sundae on the Farm. This year it will take place at Stowdale Farm in St. Johnsville. It is always an amazing event and well worth visiting, if only for the free ice cream sundae.


DayPhoto said...

People really don't understand what it takes to farm/ranch/dairy, I'm glad he wasn't hurt to the point of going to the hospital. I'm sorry he was hurt though.

We are broke down right now.. the bean combine is over-heating and it's raining. Seems it is always something.



lisa said...

So neat that he got a blue ribbon!

joated said...

Sorry to hear about Alan's mis-step. Hope it stops hurting soon.

So, do you play musical chairs to see who gets to sit in that rocker? Or is the privilege roatated through the household?

threecollie said...

LInda, you are so right. I knew....I just knew...when I saw that elevator stopped that something had happened to him. It was just too dark!
And I read about your breakdown and bad weather. Such a shame. I really hope the sun shines and the combine gets fixed very soon

Lisa, we were pleased...it was the only ribbon we got this year. lol

Joated, thanks, he is much better. That is the talking to mom chair so when I am sitting in my Sunday chair and any of the kids want to talk to me they sit there...sort of musical chairs indeed. And on the rare occasions when I watch TV I sometimes drag it over. It is really comfy.

Dani said...

Hope Alan's shoulder is better this morning.

Keith Wilson said...

Please have him put ice on it, and keep it iced for at least 48 hours, with limited activity.

I know farm work is hard and busy, but you have to take care of the joint so it isn't a progressive problem months or years from now.

If it continues to really hurt, get an xray. It sounds like he had a partial anterior subcoracoid dislocation. There is always danger of avulsion fracture associated with this.

Love your blog, and congrats on your rocking chair prize.
I had a rocker like that in college and med school.

threecollie said...

Dani, thanks, I haven't talked to him today, but yesterday although it was still a bit sore, it didn't seem to be bothering him much

Keith, thank you for your advice. I am really grateful that you took the time to tell us how to handle this. I did tell him to ice it the night it happened, but we didn't know to do it for 48 hours. We did also have him take it somewhat easy...but you know how that goes with a lively kid. I really hope he doesn't have any permanent damage from it. A horse tore my shoulder up years ago and it never got right again. Thanks so much for your advice and your kind words.

Cathy said...

TC - That's my hubby giving medical advice from his recliner.

He's recovering from knee surgery and has a great deal of experience with malfunctioning joints.

I may have mentioned that he farmed as a kid. Ran a tractor up a tree. The thing stalled just as the trailing apparatus would have given him his last haircut.

Made the front page of the local papers.

I sure hope Alan is doing OK.

threecollie said...

Cathy, I am so glad that that tractor stalled when it did! That kind of thing is beyond scary! I have seen far too many horrific close calls...I hate that aspect of this business.

I thought that Keith was probably your husband and I was very moved that he would take time to give us advice about handling Alan's injury. It was a great kindness. Both of us appreciated it a great deal. Alan is much improved, pretty much back to normal, for which I am very grateful. Ralph injured his shoulder severely three years ago and it took him a long time to get anywhere near right. I am glad Alan wasn't hurt that badly....Ralph's shoulder was completely dislocated and I was racing around trying to get him to where I could get emergency help for him while taking machines off cows, when he fainted and put it back in when he fell. Not a good time.