A serious and growing problem
Of Childhood
10 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
My first thought was: "Who are these alien cows abducting?"
Now I see that it's more a case of; "Beef. It's what's for dinner."
Something Must Be Done! Might I suggest a panel of Knowledgeable Types (including you and moi) to study this problem further and to reach a solution - all while drawing a modest six figure salary with full benefits and staff?
It's For The Children, don't you know....
Joated, hmmmm....I'll bet you are right. lol
Jeffro, you are the man. Why didn't I think of that!!!??? (Seems as if everyone else is doing it doesn't it?)
Oh thank you !!! I'm exhausted and when I clicked that cow I heard myself chuckling for the first time in days.
My son is an astro-physicist, and the latest word from Mars is:
"send women"
They didn't mention cows.
But maybe they need a filet and some butter as well...
The cow jumped over the moon, but it didn't make it to Mars.... did it?
Cathy, lol, it caught me and I had actually seen the website before. I just forgot what happened. Glad it gave you a laugh.
Keith, an astrophysicist, wow, I can't even spell that! Good to know that someone can figure out where all those cows are going anyhow. And having had a few cows that jumped stuff well enough to qualify for the Maryland Hunt Cup, I would believe anything including Mars visits. lol
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