I was loose in the barn this morning and gave the boss lady quite a run for her money.
We have been waiting more than patiently for Liz's Jersey, Moments to calve. She is the one who aborted her baby last year at this time when hunters were harassing the heifers. We sold Hillbilly, the other animal affected by the affair, but nobody had the heart to part with Moments...even those among us who prefer the black-and-white cow or the milking shorthorn to the little brown cow. In order to get her bred back as quickly as possible she was serviced to our shorthorn bull. She started looking as if she was going to pop any second now about two weeks ago. That is kind of a Jersey thing...they always seem to do that. We kept her up in the barn and barnyard and watched....and watched....and watched....
Liz stayed up all night with her on Tuesday. I ran to the barn far more often than was convenient yesterday.
No calf.
Then last night right after milking she got down to business and popped out a little girl in just a little more time than it took to tell the story. She is quite an interesting color as you can see. Except for a dished Jersey face and a black nose she looks a lot like a shorthorn.
Moments was a very good girl about it. Liz hand milked her last night.
Beautiful.Just beautiful.
Awwww, what a sweet pea!
She is beautiful! And she is in the barn and not the field so that is even better.
Congratulations on the new baby. And also the return of the prodigal cat. Hope all are happy and well.
Gorgeous calf!
FC, thanks!
Dani, thanks, smart too
Linda, yes, she is right by her mama
WW, thank you so much. We are delighted with the baby and busy rehabbing the cat
Nita, thanks! I love her color, like a shiny horse chestnut. Can't wait to hear what they decide to name her
What a cutie! Congrats.
A pretty new calf and Elvis is back. Things are turning around! :)
I love the pictures of the little ones! And this one is really, really a cutie!
CTG, thanks, she is smart like a shorty too, and I am grateful
AKA, I sure hope so!
Joated, thanks, I think so too and have her pic as my desktop background. lol
Awww . . I think she's gorgeous. Only if you get a moment I'm wondering why Liz 'hand milked' her?
Cathy, thanks! She gets cuter every day. We often hand milk the first milking as we only need half a gallon or less for the calf...less for this baby as she is so small. And we milk very conservatively the first few milkings so as not to tip them over the edge into hypocalcemia or milk fever before they get all their systems on go. Moments is a sweet little girl and was good to milk even though it was her first time.
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