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Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Or....Sometimes your morning coffee is the best part of the day.

We are back into monsoon season here in the Great Northeast. Never really got out of it actually, although the weekend wasn't too bad. So harvest has come to a dismal halt and the guys are getting stuck. Me too

Stuck with the skid steer....all you can do is dig yourself out and try to smooth over the hole so the next guy doesn't bury it.

Stuck with the tractor, chopper and forage wagon...all you can do is unhook, pull the wagon out backwards, lug the chopper out somehow and go find some place else to chop for the cows.

Stuck in the garden...all you can do is pull your now bare foot, mud-be-sloshed over the ankle bone, out of its flip flop and then dig the darned thing out. Bah! But the last of the tomatoes must be brought in... to ripen on every surface in the kitchen.

(Made meatloaf last night with extra-sharp Cheddar on top, covered with thin slices of ripe tomato sprinkled with Parmesan and home made Italian seasoning...took every body's minds off the mud for a little while at least...also apple crisp...ditto..)

And last but not fun, stuck in the barnyard while opening the gate for fifty-odd large, hungry animals that want to go through that gate and NOW. (Rubber barn boots get stuck worse than flip flops and in the barn yard the stuff you get stuck in is not nice black garden dirt)....all you can do is cling to the gate and pull like heck on your foot...hope your boot doesn't come off...hope the cows wait a second while you get your foot out and get out of their way.

Am I ready for it to stop raining....um.....yeah....I do believe that I am.

Meanwhile, the kitchen is the best place on the farm to be, if you have an excuse to be there. I have several....


~ Sara ~ said...

it's sunny and getting dry here... you need to MOVE :) lol kidding... but all that rain would just drive me batty!

Keith Wilson said...

Those are gorgeous looking fresh tomatoes.

Wanna try a fun recipe?
Sliced tomatoes
slice fresh mozarella cheese
fresh basil (chopped)
olive oil 1/4 cup and tsp basalmic vinegar

Enjoy your Ceprese salad
you can add kalamata olives
... and heck with the mud.

Dani said...

I can't think of a harder working bunch than y'all!!

lisa said...

It sure is horrible outside. The one week the hubby is home and he can't even be outside to get things on the honey do list done ;)

DayPhoto said...

Oh, gosh! I hate haveing sit and wait and hope the rain goes away so harvest can start/contine/finish! This sure has been a tough year again.


Linda said...

Hope you get unstuck and get your fall work done.

Paul said...

We were wet here for months. It rained a couple times a week all spring and summer. Last 2 weeks have been dry, and calling for dry weather over the next week as well. Sure is nice to finally get some stuff done. Hope you dry out soon!

Rebecca said...

Funny, the word "monsoon" came to me also this morning, watching ANOTHER deluge hit the Upstate soil... *sigh* It's been, what, ten years now? ENOUGH RAIN!!

threecollie said...

Sara, boy I hope that gets here soon. I get so sick of rain...and of weather folks who say, "we are down a half an inch for the month so we need rain..." This with puddles on top of puddles, the roads and driveways all washed out and the fields a quagmire of unprecedented proportions

Keith, thanks, wish I could take credit but my brother's family grew them. They taste as good as they look. Thanks for the recipe..I like everything in it so I am sure the combination would be wonderful...especially olives...well, cheese too, basil...yeah..sounds great.

Dani, thanks and Happy Birthday!

Lisa, that must be driving you guys nuts. I don't even want to get up in the morning these days

Linda, it has indeed. It is so hard to feed. Our four wheel drive is down with yet another set of major issues so just getting the feed to the cows is nuts

Linda, thanks

Paul, thank you. they are calling for a break tomorrow. I sure hope so and I hope we get some sun and a breeze to dry things out a bit

Rebecca, yep, a lot more than enough. The boss just graded the driveway and it hadn't even had time to settle before the rain took it out again.

CTG Ponies said...

Sun's coming out here today but we got a bunch of rain on top of whatever the remnants of Tropical Storm Nicole dumped. We were down in rainfall but didn't need it all at once! I hate getting my shoes sucked off in the mud.

The Milk Maid said...

I have had to fish for my flip flops before too. My son was wearing those holey shoes when he was getting the cows once and lost it in the mud, it surfaced about a month later but we had already thrown it's mate out.

threecollie said...

cTG, I sure hope the sun shows up here too. This has been a grim couple of weeks. If we were done chopping it wouldn't be so bad but they still have a few fields to get in

TMM, sounds just like home. lol I love my flip flops but alas the mud does too.