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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not Again

A huge thank you to friends, family members and caring neighbors who called us about the tornado warning. We had no idea....

We ended up spending around 45 minutes watching the skies to the west and south, ready to hit the cellar if we had to. We got an outrageous lot of rain and some pretty wild winds and rumor has it that something did some damage just a tiny bit to the south of us, but we are fine. Now it is raining hard and thundering wildly.

The boss just got the driveways half-way fixed up so the milk truck can get in all right and we can get the trucks and the Durango up and down. Guess he is looking at a couple more days on the skid steer. Guess I had better shut this down before the storm gets any closer.


joated said...

"again"? Don't you mean still.

Tornados? Moved to Kansas or something? Darn things do not belong in NY!

Cathy said...

Good grief !!

Be safe, TC.

I imagine that winter is starting to look good, right now.

Good grief.

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Yikes! Maybe it's time to build an ark. Stay safe.

TenMile said...

Lordy. Ship a half-gallon out this way.

Take care back there.

Found this messing about on the web: http://www.wxtrends.com/ a for profit site, predicts Wx a year in advance. From all reports the accuracy is phenom - places like Coke Cola (I would say Bud, but not sure you'all would appreciate that.)

June said...

The creeks are becoming rivers.
The roadside ditches are becoming streams.
Can you imagine if this were snow?
I think I read that the Farmers Almanac predicts not a lot of snow this year. Good thing or the spring snowmelt would wash the rest of us away...

R.Powers said...

Thought of you last night while watching the weatherchannel.
Hope you get some relief!

threecollie said...

Joated, yeah, still would be a better word. I don't know what to think about this weather except that it is just plain awful

Cathy, we had our shoes on and were ready to hit the cellar. Never seen anything like this weather and never want to again

WW, thanks, an ark is looking good, preferably one headed south to a location with adult beverages with little umbrellas, pool boys, etc.

TEn Mile, if there was a way to send it we would give you every drop that has fallen on our place in the past two months. We have enough to share for sure. And everybody likes a good Bud don't they? lol Thanks for the link

June, that is just what we have said several times! If this was snow we would be shoveling until 2025! Sure is getting old!

FC, thanks for thinking of us. Sure been a year for horrible weather!