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Wednesday, October 12, 2011


What am I?

Strange sky this morning. Despite thick clouds the moon was so bright that everything kind of glowed. Then, where the sun was coming up, little slits in the clouds let in thready rays of spooky, white light.

It was as if the sky was torn and leaking.

Sort of Martian.

At least it isn't raining yet. The dog barometer was dry when he came in, always a good sign. And Simon, AKA Seismo, the seismological cat, (due to his twenty-poundage and thunderhooves) flung himself in through the door for a dish of cat food, then flounced back out after he ate, with all his many furry, fat, belly folds flopping. Guess he has solved the problem of winter care and feeding for us.

If you know what the "who am I" bird is, please let me know. There are so many exotic LBBs around this fall that it is driving me crazy! There were several of these flitting around the roof eating something...probably spiders or box elder bugs. They are so fast that even though I took several pics, this is the best I could do. Help with ID would be much appreciated. I know it looks a bit house finch-ish, but I am pretty sure that it is not.


Jinglebob said...

Spazzoid sparrow?

Linda said...

No clue as to the bird....a friend of mine was always chasing elusive "brown" birds.....I'll send him the link. At least you don't have a skunk trying to winter with you like we do:(

threecollie said...

JB, prolly exactly what it is. Thanks!

Linda, might could be a yellow-rumped warbler, but I just don't know. Would be most grateful if you did send it to someone who might know....and alas...we do in fact have a little stinker visiting the back porch with alarming regularity. Arrggghhhhh...