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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dum da Dum Dum..Messing with the Template

Just checking to see if folks who have been having trouble accessing Northview can get on now. Over the past few days some people have been unable to get on at all, others have slow page loads and still others get a message about the Stumbleupon script running slowly.

And others, including myself and Liz, can get on just fine. Go figger.

Of course I contacted the folks responsible for that script. Of course they did not reply within the time frame promised and of course nothing I could find on the Net gave me the details on how to get rid of the darned thing.

So, I boldly went where I have never gone before and cleared all changes to the widget part of the code.

And would be most grateful if you let me know in the comments if it worked, if you are having problems, but can still get to the comments. Etc. Thanks


June said...

I haven't ever had any problem seeing you, leaving a comment, etc.

dickiebo said...

I mostly get you on Google Reader, so don't have any probs.

Ruth said...

I was getting an error stating there was problems with a script every time I loaded your page, but I didn't this morning if that helps.

Dani said...

Good on my end.

Jan said...

All went smoothly this morning. So far. Haven't posted comment yet.

Linda said...

Its working well and faster than normal.....but then I got a different form of internet the other day. I sometimes found that a different browser helped......instead of internet explorer I used chrome.....but that sometimes doesn't work on FB.

Anonymous said...

Everything is fine here, but had no problem before either. Love Mom

Susan Rose said...

I've not had a problem from home or at work.

Those poor cast-off dogs! :(

That poor, hungry horse! Maybe when it stops moving, they will decide to feed it more. :(

R.Powers said...

No prob!
When I changed mine, I lost the ability to view my followers.
Haven't figured that one out yet.

Anonymous said...

No problems, don't want to miss your blog, linda

Cathy said...

Hip Hip Hooray!!!! I'm on! Thank you! :)

NumberWise said...

I haven't had any problem. I'd be suffering withdrawal if I couldn't read your blog every day! Using Chrome.

threecollie said...

June, isn't it funny how some people didn't and others couldn't see a thing

Dickiebo, I'm glad!

Ruth, it does help! I think it is fixed.

Dani, thanks, I am glad

Jan, thanks for letting me know

LInda, thanks for telling me. It was so frustrating to contact the company and not have them return my messages

Thanks Mom, love you and thank you for reading.

Susan Rose, glad it works for you. I felt so bad about the dogs. They quickly ran off so Liz couldn't really do anything about them either.

FC, I looked into changing but decided to stay with the old template. I like the way it looks and I can work on it myself pretty well. The new dynamic templates look pretty nice, but I am not sure they are easy to control so....

Linda, thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate all the comments so I know that it is actually fixed.

Cathy, thank you for the head's up! I couldn't believe after a whole weekend of messing around trying to get it fixed, right after I finally figure out how to remove the code I get a message from stumbleupon that I can add it back now because they have fixed their problem...it was btw THEIR problem. Um, no, not so much, I don't think so. lol

NW, You are sweet and I thank you. It my favorite fun thing to do so I would miss it too. You take care...and call if you get a chance

joated said...

Never had any problems getting to your site using either AOL or Firefox.

threecollie said...

Thanks, joated, it is a puzzle why it only affected a few people, but it sure was a pain.