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Saturday, November 12, 2011


Tisn't Alaska, but it sure is nippy. Kitchen faucet was just a tad frozen this AM. Have to get some things buttoned up around here or we will be regretting it I fear.

I think we are going to have to start afternoon feeding a little earlier too. It was so dark last night when we were finishing up that you couldn't see the feed going into the wheelbarrows from the transport wagon...made it kind of interesting.

Well, have a great weekend. We are supposed to get a bit more decent weather and I am downright grateful....something else to be thankful for...October in November.


Dani said...

Come to Florida!

Linda said...

Looks downright crispy! That's what I'm doing today.....buttoning a few things up.....our forecast is for much colder weather next week and I want to be able to hunker down and enjoy NOT having to button up then;))

Rev. Paul said...

We looked like that, here in Alaska, a month or so ago. Now we've had nearly two feet of snow in the last two weeks. But then, you're a lot farther south than we are. :)

Great pictures, my friend - thanks for sharing them with us.

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Yes, but the cold sure has its own beauty. Lovely photos! But no frost indoors, please. Over the years we've lived in our 1880s house, we've gradually gutted outside walls to remove bricks and rubble from between the studs and thoroughly insulate. Makes a big difference.

Caroline said...

Buttoning here, too.
Seeing neighbors putting up Christmas lights (it is 55 at the moment) seems a little weird and a lot early to me.
Bed down the flower beds and don't hurry Santy Claus before we've had turkey and trimmings, I say.

threecollie said...

Dani, would that I could! lol We were talking about it yesterday. I miss being warm

Linda, we have a lot more to do. Such wild swings between the seasons. Too hot one week, frozen the next.

Paul, saw your new header photo and shivered a little extra shiver on your behalf. Beautiful, but brutal. Thanks for your kind words.

WW, almost nothing has ever been done to make this place warmer and as far as we know it was built to be something of a summer place. It holds the cool air and directs the breezes marvelously in summer. In winter, not so much. lol

Cathy said...


Almost doesn't make me mind frost so much.

Almost ;)

We were balmy the last two days . . . but now it's gray and we're both in a bad mood.

