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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Stills...Potluck, with a Purpose

This was quite an interesting challenge for me. I know almost nothing about the technicalities of photography. As a frustrated painter, I see something that catches my eye, point, click, shoot, good, bad or indifferent.

If I don't like what I end up with I might change the setting or angle or distance, but there is no logic to it at all. I am wildly impressed by folks who actually know what they are doing, but for me it is enough to sometimes be able to capture the moment.

With the moons, that was the exact case. Kept changing settings until I got one I could live with. The top one and most successful in my opinion was taken with the aperture priority setting.

The top, and to me more interesting, rhubarb leaf was just getting a little closer, framing a little differently and cropping more attractively.

I am looking forward to getting some free photography lessons from all you much more skilled bloggers who will be doing this post today. Thanks in advance.

For more Sunday Stills....


Ed said...

Well done with excellent moon pics..:-)

2browndawgs said...

Haha I am just like you and madly change settings until I get what I want. Except when I want to pose and photograph the dogs. Then it can be frustrating. :)

I like all of your photos. Very nice pictures of the moon.

Ruth said...

You did good with the moon, its HARD to get a good photograph of it, especially as it gets darker out, remember the darker the sky, the brighter the moon, so if you want a decent picture you actually have to speed things up quite a bit or the image ends up bleached out.

The color is certinally better on the top leaf picture, maybe take those settings and play from there.

Linda said...

I like what Ruth said.....heck I'd like to met Ruth. Great advice.
I like the way you framed the top rhubarb leaf the best too....more impact and it shows both the color and texture better.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Most of what I know I have learned from Sunday Stills..:)

The Moon is hard to photograph..I tried that too this week..however you knew about aperture settings..and I just waited til it got darker!

Beautiful leaf..and yes the first one is more pleasing to the eye:)

Janice said...

Great Moon shot, I can never get those.

thecrazysheeplady said...

Love the first leaf shot. Good job!

Cathy said...

I can see the craters on the limb of the moon! Did you tripod the camera or do you have a veeerry steady hand?

" . . but for me it is enough to sometimes be able to capture the moment."

Amen, my friend.


Anonymous said...

I love the last picture in the first set. You were still able to clearly pick up the moon.

Tami Weingartner said...

Good job on the moon...great clarity....really beautiful!!! I think that I would have preferred it to be either to the right or left of the image in the bottom two...which means moving your feet in either direction.

For the leaf...I like the 1st shot. For me it's always helpful to say to myself..."what to I like here"...Is it the color or colors, the textures, the juxtaposition between the backside of one leaf and the front of the other.

After you answer those questions you can then decide on angle and focal length (also camera settings if you change yours).

Great examples! And congrats on the moon. Beautiful!

Terry and Linda said...

I love our moon pictures! I keep trying...now if I can figure out how to get the craters to show up on my moon photos.....


threecollie said...

Thank you all so much! These challenges sure are interesting.

Firas said...

Great moon and great shots!