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Monday, November 07, 2011


Gallon of fresh-pressed in the fridge, new picked apples on the table and a jar of soft, sweet honey in the cupboard. The kids took a friend's toddler to the orchard to pick yesterday and brought us home some of their bounty.

What can I say but yay!!


Dani said...

Yummy! I'll be right over. :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you! In my mind (and mouth and stomach) there is absolutely nothing as good as apple season. We're on our 5th gal of cider, I've canned 2 bushels into sauce, butter, & jelly, dried some into leather & rings - and my hubby just got another 1/2 bushel of macs for eating or whatever. Maybe some more brown Betty? or pie? We're rich!

Ed said...

Cool shot, nothing like fresh cider..:-)

Ericka said...

unpasteurized? it tastes so much better. yummy!

Caroline said...

Fresh cider is nothing I can find in SD, it is one of the things I miss most in the fall. When you grow up in McIntosh country, store bought, bottled apple juice labeled "cider" is not the same in any way!

threecollie said...

Dani, hurry! the cider is sinking fast. It is SO good.

Aka, I love apple time! I haven't put by my usual bushel this year and I know I am going to be sorry

Ed, thanks!

Lisa, tis true

Ericka, I guess the guy turns the press on when you order the cider...it is that fresh. And so incredibly good.

Caroline, I know just what you mean. I haven't bothered much with cider since they make you get it store bottled. We used to haul tons of apples to a local press and make about seventy gallons a year. Sold half to pay the costs and froze the rest and drank it all winter long. It is really a treat on a cold December day, when autumn apple picking is just a distant memory.