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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thank You

Global Warming. Not too bad here so far, although it is supposed to chill later in the week. I will take every passing warm day we get and rejoice!

Been reading in the local paper about all the hooligans being arrested for assorted crimes against wildlife and private property.

Imagine what would happen if they really got out there after them. They could balance the state budget in a wink. The boys caught two trespassers in one hunting trip here, both in full cammo, and there are more every day...just can't chase them all due to the whole having to work thing.

Wish the DEC would catch our band of outlaws for us. Alan went up in the field to have a look around yesterday and found that some yahoo with a pick up truck rutted a couple of new seeding hay fields all to heck...big fixit job there I guess.

They had to drive over rocks and trees and through a whole darned hedgerow to get in, right past a posted sign. Guess they poached a deer off us and were too lazy to drag it out.


Susan Rose said...

I can't imagine how violated y'all must feel. This makes me angry that IDIOTS are able to trample and poach... and get away with it.

I hope you find a solution. Please keep us posted on any progress you make.

Shirley said...

Too bad you can't ring the field with big leg hold traps.....
(lol at the word verification: doofas)

Unknown said...

I'd love to sit your fields with a shotgun and send a couple of shots bouncing off a tailgate or two!

Terry and Linda said...

I know you are posted, but that is EXACTLY WHY WE DO NOT LIKE HUNTERS ON OUR LAND!!! GRRRRRR


Terry and Linda said...

Which reminds me, a neighbor of ours has trouble with people walking on the canal banks and stomping through the water furrows. Rock salt seems to help.


Nursejoan said...

Infuriating and wrong. Way too many entitled folks who just don't get it. Those same idiots whould have a genuine fit if you drove your tractor and manure spreader over their lawn . . .

threecollie said...

Susan, it is so frustrating! ONe guy claimed to be a police officer and gave Alan a really bad time. We knew he was lying...he ran away and hid in the bushes.

Shirley,Doofases! That is them! Wish we could get this stopped, but so far we have never found anything that works. I am so delighted to see DEC actually cracking down. The state is supposed to be broke. They could make a fortune by just enforcing game laws

Tim, here in NY, they'd arrest you and give them a medal. lol Very frustrating

LInda, we used to let folks hunt until bullets whistled over the boss's head while he was on the tractor and they threw my brother off OUR land!

Nurse Joan, isn't that the truth! Some of the worst offenders post and fence their own land and go crazy if someone even steps across their property line. Yet they kill deer out of season on us and leave the innards right in the hay field...some years they take antler and one haunch and waste the rest.