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Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's All Relative

Here in the USA we are continually bombarded by animal rights messages. This is cruel, that is cruel, the whole keeping of animals business is cruel....even though most management methods have evolved over generations of time, since farming and livestock keeping began. Remember veal? AR groups convinced folks that it is cruel to eat veal, so no one does. And bit by bit the vegan beat goes on....

One of the big buzz makers is confinement housing for sows. It is done to manage the potential for disease and to keep big pigs from crushing little pigs, but AR groups have used our anthropomorphic feelings about how we would prefer to live to change the face of hog farming.

Several states (usually states with very few pigs and not too many farmers) banned the practice, thanks entirely to animal rights groups' media campaigns.

Meanwhile, in other countries, where such anthropomorphism is a luxury too expensive in the face of real hunger, things like this are going on. People hungry enough to willingly and knowingly eat pork from pigs that died of a contagious disease probably aren't worrying too hard about the housing system where they were raised. They just need food.

It is all relative.


Jinglebob said...

It is, isn't it. If more in this country had to go hungry or produce at least some of what they ate, I think they would see it differently. I blame Disney. they made so many movies about animals and turned them into people, nice people usually and for the most part, and some just don't understand, it ain't so!

Anonymous said...

But things might be starting to change, 3C. Have you heard of the paleo/caveman movement? It basically pushes animal fats as necessary for a healthy diet.

And there are several other diet plans blooming that are low carb/high fat. It all started with the Atkins plan, I think, and has evolved from there.

They say that the US food pyramid plan, with all those processed carbs, was introduced about the same time that obesity rates started going up. Hmmm ...

Dani said...

Catching up some today...didn't know that Alan had taken a job in the city...so sorry. I know you miss him lots. :(

Terry and Linda said...

Very well said!!!!


lisa said...

I think we need to let some of these animal activists go hungry for a while and let them have all the stray cats and dogs live with them and let them take care of all their needs. I mean ALL.

threecollie said...

JB, it really struck me when I read the story about the people eating the sick pigs. I swear people in this country never look any farther than their TV screen and then they don't watch much world news. I blame Disney too!

aka, good thinking. I hadn't heard about the diet, but I do read the research, totally ignored by msm, about the failure of the modern diet and the need for natural fats in our diet. The butter shortage in some European countries due to interest in more natural diets including fats is an interesting development to me.

Dani, I do...thanks...it is a tremendous opportunity for him to work for an excellent company with great benefits and interesting and challenging work that will use all his skills...but I sure do miss him.

Linda thanks, sometimes I can't resist that old soap box

Lisa, hear, hear! Let's ship them all to Uganda for a year or so...let them see how things are outside their BS bubble.