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Friday, December 16, 2011

Shivery Brr...

Howling wind today and all last night too.
I have a heavy metal lawn chair, the old fashioned, nice and sturdy sort, out in the yard. Guess it is time to bring it in as the wind picked it up and whirled it around and left it a good long way from where it belongs.


joated said...

That wind sounded like a freight train last night.

Stay warm...if you can.

Cathy said...

We had wind, too.

Wish I could say I liked it.

Older I get - less I like it.

Brings down branches and elevates BP.

They did a study. Don't remember the particulars, but over 20 mph, blood pressures rise.

Sure hope you're staying cozy.

threecollie said...

Joated, it did! I hadn't slept the night before though, so I just woke up a few times, noticed it and went back to sleep. lol

Cathy, it was a howler! I hate the wind, hate it, hate it, hate it!!! Interesting about the BP. I didn't know, but it makes sense. We are okay, surprisingly if you really dress for it you can be reasonably comfortable when it is pretty darned cold. We worry about our pipes and my plants mostly.

Terry and Linda said...

Goodness! That was a horrible wind! I really am not fond of wind like that!
