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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Judge Denies Dairy Farmer Suit

You probably have to have a dog in the fight to be interested in what is going on here, but this is pretty big news on the dairy farm scene.


Cathy said...

Tell you what. Isn't life hard enough without having to battle the very cooperatives that are supposed to be looking out for you?

I've got the weakest mind in the world for business acumen, but it just doesn't smell right.

Terry and Linda said...

I agree with Cathy...something is rotten...

I'm glad you were able to get all your cows in the other night...chasing animals in the dark is never fun or exciting...no wait it is exciting, but not fun.

Happy New Year!


threecollie said...

Cathy, it is very frustrating to have these people call themselves a farmer coop and then watch them lobby for things like an increased make allowance, which takes money right out of the milk check and gives it to processors, which is what they have become.

Linda, it is so very, very broken, and yet so outrageously complicated that no one really knows how to fix it. And we these folks claiming to represent farmers.....what a joke.
And Happy New Year to you too, thanks!!