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Monday, December 26, 2011

Where the Boy Works

Each day. Don't these remind you of the first scene of the second Crocodile Dundee movie? He is right down there by the East River pumping concrete grout to stabilize the ground.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he's doing well at work- and I hope you are doing ok at home! Merry Christmas!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

To stabilize the ground?? Is the ground failing in that area? Hmm.

Glad he's got a good job. :) This weather makes it great to be in construction in December, eh?

Jeffro said...

Ahhh, another farm kid gone to the big city. Sigh.

Merry Day After Christmas to you and yours, 3C.

threecollie said...

Jeff, Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too

Rebecca, water from the river moving in. I guess compared to here it is really nice and warm down there.

Jeffro, a shame isn't it? Thanks for the good wishes, the same back at you.

Cathy said...

Bless him. I never discount the hard work that maintains the very structure of civilization.

We take so much for granted.

It must be such an amazing experience for him. The contrast between the pastoral beauty of Northview and the dynamic bustling geometry of New York City.
