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Showing posts with label The City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The City. Show all posts

Friday, February 03, 2012

From Both Sides

People are such a various lot. Some of them do good beyond all expectations and some of them are terrifyingly not good. Talked to the boy early this morning and he had horror stories of subway platforms and slow death happening even to the harmless and the danger of standing near the trains....It twisted my heart right up. Such death and mayhem.........and then I read this story. One young American saw something awful happening in another country and reached out via social media to find help.

And found it, so much more than he had even imagined possible.

And last night I read another story, which on one hand was very moving, and on the other hand is so typical of the lengths farm folk will go for others. We have been the recipients, several times over the years, of help from unexpected directions, coming at the darkest hour, and lightening our lives, probably more than the givers imagined possible. I will try to wipe the subway images out of my mind for the day and think of the good people, and the new baby heifer that Magic presented to us yesterday and get on about the day.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Where the Boy Works

Each day. Don't these remind you of the first scene of the second Crocodile Dundee movie? He is right down there by the East River pumping concrete grout to stabilize the ground.