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Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Beware those Secret Shoppers

The boss does a lot of our shopping...I am kind of a hermit, and he likes to shop...and yesterday he ran up to an area store to get a spiral ham and a birthday cake (although I can bake cookies with the best of them I don't do cake.)

He wasn't exactly dressed for the prom, if you get my drift (although you can take my word for it that he cleans up pretty good.) Anyhow, various store employees kinda, sorta, ignored him so to speak.

He waited a while at the checkout, then suddenly a dressed up sort of fella saw to it that a whole bevvy of cashiers corraled up to wait on him.

 Then the dressed up guy approached him and offered him a job as a secret shopper.

Being a fairly busy sort of lad, he declined, but we got a heck of a good laugh out of it....

So, anyhow, watch out. You will never know if that grubby, haircut-challenged guy, who looks like he lost his razor is just an old farm boy...or a corporate spy!


June said...

Gee, where'd he go to the store???
If cashiers avoided farmer-lookin' types here, the stores'd never sell anything.

Cathy said...

OK. That's hilarious. I know a little old unshaven, plump retired professor who became a secret shopper just because he was bored :)

Now, that business about 'looks' and people sizing you up by the way you comb your hair and dress . . .

It's probably a good thing for me . . because I hate having to think 'clothes'. If I didn't have to leave the house I'd be wearing the same linty dripped-on sweater and slacks for days. .. and this hair thing is a drag.

Terry and Linda said...

I'm with June...a cool farmer guy being ignored!!!


threecollie said...

June, up in Johnstown

Cathy, we were kinda mad at him for not taking the job. lol This winter fashion has gone right out the window for all of us. Even farmer chic escapes you when it is so cold that you need four pairs of pants just to sit at the kitchen table. And hat hair is a perpetual given if you never take it off....well, I have an indoor hat and an outdoor hat. The sweet man who has been bringing me bird seed stopped by yesterday. I was working here at the kitchen table in four or five grubby old shirts, bib overalls on top of everything else I could squeeze into, old raggy blue hat. I was plumb embarrassed! But warm....

Linda, we really wish he took the job. He likes to shop, really gets into it, and it would have been fun for him I think,.

Cathy said...

When it finally warms up and you start to shed . . . . well, you'll be floating on air!

PS. Hope Punxsutawny Phil was wrong.