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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Yet Another Best Search Term Ever

Somebody landed here from a Google search for "reason for a hairy butt"

I wonder what they thought when they found the backside of a hairy woodpecker.


Cathy said...

That's a hoot! A Hairy butt!

Speaking of woodpeckers. I'm sitting in my front window this AM. Praying the sun up. Two youngsters cross the street toward my house to catch the bus.

I see them staring at my house - mouths agape, smiling.

I run to the door and ask what they're looking at. They point over my roof at a snag, now lit by the sun, where a a red-bellied woodpecker is hammering away.

Of such little moments is a day bloomed into happiness.

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

That's pretty funny! My blog gets a LOT of traffic from the search term "Acrobatic Sex," since I once posted an entry on how dragonflies mate. Imagine the disappointment!

Dani said...

*snort* yeah, not quite the hairy butt they were looking for.

threecollie said...

Cathy, that is the sweetest thing! I love it when kids begin to appreciate and wonder at natural things. The best part of life is right outside our windows if only we look. Even down in the city Alan routinely sees peregrine falcons...treasure in bird form!

WW, OMG, that is hilarious! Imagine what they must think!

Dani, and I am very, very thankful for that!!! lol

Terry and Linda said...


Stuck tractor is my number one search on my blog!
