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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Morning Walkies

 Maples and Pines across the river

 A little rhubarb I started a couple of years ago

 Catkins follow pussy willows


Alan came out with me this morning when I was trying to get some bird photos for Sunday Stills. Didn't get much in the way of bird shots, but I did get the fallen tree off the lawn and now the bird bath is level and visible from the house. Yay!


joated said...

Do you get birds using your bird bath? I've had no success at all. They do seem to enjoy the puddles and the little shower from the drainage pipe that rings the foundation, however.

Linda said...

You are a WAY ahead of us here but this gives me hope. With a little moisture and some heat I'm sure we'll catch up fast.

threecollie said...

Joated, I do get them, but mostly in a bath I have on the ground next to the garden pond. They love that. They will bathe in the big bath though if I keep it full

Linda, we are way ahead of us too. lol Not normal, but things seem to be taking the freezing nights pretty well.