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Monday, August 28, 2017


Our valley in 2006. It was the same story then.....
people showing just how good they could be, helping each other

Thanks to Facebook I have been watching ordinary people perform acts of heroism that are the stuff epic movies are made from. Watching them graciously turn away thanks and praise and go back for another neighbor. And another. And another. Watching strangers save strangers and glad to do it.

Watching America. Because this is America, not some gang of rent-a-thugs making headlines by their sheer horribleness. You are America. I am America. We are better then those making news lately and if this doesn't show that what will?

Prayers for Texas......and good on all you people that I have come to "know" on Facebook, who are working hard there taking care of those in need. Thanks for what you do.


Cathy said...

Beautiful and heartening. Say it my friend. Say it.

"You are America. I am America. We are better then those making news lately and if this doesn't show that what will?"

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

You are so right Cathy. We are with you both. Love, Mom

Jan said...

Well stated. With all the footage the protesters, anti-protesters, and anarchists are getting it is easy to forget they are a tiny minority.

Terry and Linda said...

Well said!

threecollie said...

Cathy, thank you. I am finding it hard to get on with my day to day with all the sadness...

Mom, love you too!

Jan, thanks, somehow it is good to be reminded that all that BS in the news isn't really us.

Linda, thanks!