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Sunday, January 28, 2018


January, the hard, white heart of winter, kinda like a jawbreaker that just won't melt....And yet....a different season is sneaking in unannounced and mostly unheralded. 

Or at least pretty much

A friend has shared photos of maple sap flowing, but he is a kidder, so it is hard to know.

However, down at the boat launch yesterday, we saw a big sapcicle, hanging in a maple tree so...guess it is true

And the Carolina Wrens are singing their hearts out after being quiet all winter.

Still, whether the trees or the southern transplant birds believe it or not, there is a lot of winter yet to come.


But we did find a fork in the road


Cathy said...

A fork in the road. Did you take the one less traveled by ? ;)

You're so lucky to hear the Carolina Wren. My favorite song.

Jan said...

Indian winter?

Terry and Linda said...

We are seeing early spring birds back here also. Strange!

threecollie said...

Cathy, actually we were at Yankee Hill in the parking lot, which was a sea of ice. We got out to the river okay and then had to help each other back to the car. We aren't going down there much.....the ice is terrible!

Jan, that might be it!

Linda, not many early migrants this week, but we are watching.