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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Rare Bird Alert

Check this guy out. He's an American Wigeon. If you go up to Montezuma in season you will see thousands like him. However, here in our county eBird flags him as rare. I have certainly never seen one here before. The boss and I found him in the river this morning, along with his lady, a Gadwall, a couple of Northern Pintails, and a Common Goldeneye.

Hooded Mergansers

What a morning, huh?

Mrs. Hoodie

Color me happy. Sorry about the less than spectacular photos, but these ducks were way out in the river.



Terry and Linda said...

You took great photos! Loved seeing these new to me ducks!

Anonymous said...


threecollie said...

Linda, thanks! I was happy to find the Gadwall, but downright thrilled to discover the Wigeons because of it.

Monica, thanks!