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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Shipping Day

My only contribution was moral support, knowing where to stand, and when to move, and whether to be loud or quiet. And being bossy. I do that so well....

Many thanks to Liz and Jade for helping the boss extricate the big, horned, heifer from her mother and Bama and get her on the truck for freezer camp (as one wise farmer I know calls it). Not a job for the faint of heart or feeble of feet.

She was a scary critter and her mother, Moon, is about as smart as a post. Those things, combined with Bama being just a tad on the wild side, made things interesting.

It is done though and in a couple of weeks we can look forward to some nice beef.

After a diet of chicken, fish, and pork from the store it will be very welcome.

I think the boss has been dreaming about meatloaf.....

I have a new camera...can you tell?


Rev. Paul said...

That's one spectacular moon pic. :)

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

Love you. Mom

Jan said...

I have t-bone dreams--never meat loaf.

threecollie said...

Rev. Paul, thanks, I am loving this camera!

Mom, Love you too, immensely.

Jan, we do love meatloaf. lol