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Monday, April 02, 2018

I Accidentally ate the Easter Bunny's Carrots

My first chore most mornings, after walking dogs and all, is picking up kitchen detritus deposited after I went to sleep the night before.

Yesterday there was a paper plate on the stove. It held a few kinda shriveled carrot sticks. I ate them and tossed the plate. It's a mom thing.

A couple of hours later Liz came to me and said, "Thank you so much, Mom, for taking care of the Easter Bunny's carrots for me! I forgot all about them."

Well, okay then

Just how low do you have to stoop to steal food from a magic rabbit?

I dunno, but I guess I can bend that far.


Terry and Linda said...

You made me chuckle OUT-LOUD!!!

Jan said...

It's a dirty job but someone has to do it

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

So funny! A mom thing, indeed!

Cathy said...

She is a spring morning sunrise. Look at that adorable face!!
And you are a wonderful Easter bunny fill-in :)

threecollie said...

Linda, believe me, I laughed too. lol

Jan, this is true. And I hate to waste a good carrot.

Jacqueline, it is isn't it? lol there are no calories in kids' leftovers are there?

Cathy, she is a corker! Kind of cranky lately...she is eager for spring just like the rest of us and pesters her mama all day to go outside. Of course it is barely above freezing with a miserable wind, but what's that to a kid after all?